A Nuclear-Thermonuclear NAWAPA XXI
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If mankind is to have a flourishing future, we must make a leap in productivity, by developing the next, immediately available platform of power production—nuclear and thermonuclear energy. The crucial project around which this leap must be made is the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) water-management program for the Western United States, expanded to involve not only Mexico and Canada, but the entire Pacific Basin.
Such a Grand Project perspective cuts radically against most economic thinking today, particularly in the trans-Atlantic region. That small, green thinking is precisely why the world economy is dying. Unless such thinking—imposed and inculcated by the Queen-centered international financial oligarchy—is overthrown, we are headed for extinction by famine, disease, "natural" disasters, or war.
The nuclear/thermonuclear NAWAPA directly addresses the crises of food production, energy shortages, and "natural" disasters such as floods and drought, by what could be appropriately called biological engineering, channeling water in directions where it is needed, through a system powered by first conventional nuclear fission, and soon, thermonuclear fusion. The project will in fact require cooperation with nations of the Pacific, especially Japan, and open up northern regions for development corridors, emphatically including the Bering Strait, the Arctic, and then the Pacific Rim, all the way down to Southeast Asia.
Among the Pacific projects on the development agenda will be the major water projects in China, and the long-planned Kra Canal project in southern Thailand, that would radically improve water transportation in the South Pacific region.
As it happens, it was almost exactly 30 years ago, in August 1983, that, in the wake of a visit to India, Japan, and Southeast Asia, Lyndon LaRouche commissioned a major EIR report entitled "A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans Basin," for which he wrote an extensive introduction. Specifically, LaRouche demanded a change in then-U.S. foreign policy to that anti-colonial, anti-Malthusian policy of President Franklin Roosevelt, itself an echo of the great American tradition established by such as George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, and continued through Abraham Lincoln.
LaRouche's proposal at that time—when he and his publications were also promoting the original NAWAPA project—projected the Pacific Basin to be the world's major growth area, and outlined five infrastructure projects: A second Panama Canal, the Kra Canal, the Hangzhou-Beijing Canal, a series of canals for water development in the Indian Subcontinent and the Mekong River Basin.
Due to the control which the Wall Street-British financial interests exerted over the Reagan Administration—and, increasingly, every administration since—as well as the world financial system as a whole, only China has embarked on anything like what LaRouche proposed at that time. Every crisis EIR pointed to at the time—water shortages, poverty, transportation bottlenecks, energy shortfalls—have gotten desperately worse.
Now, we have reached the breaking point. Wall Street has to go, and an upgraded and expanded Pacific Basin perspective put into place. What may have appeared visionary then, is a necessity today. We will be saying much more on this subject, in the weeks ahead.