Augur of an Avalanche
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We've come into a period of very sharp change, noted Lyndon LaRouche, in his video discussion with the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee on Dec. 2. On the one side, the British imperial system is "going ape," in desperation to keep afloat. On the other, a palpable process of resistance, and building up of an alternative, is proceeding in the Eurasian region, which holds the promise of bringing other large portions of the world along with it.
The augur of the coming process of resistance, LaRouche noted, is Ukraine's decision to back out of its free-trade agreement with the European Union. Instead, the government is looking to the East, in terms of new agreements of economic cooperation with Russia, and also with China. Ukraine's leadership—despite hysterical resistance inside and out, is determined to take the path of survival, which means economic progress and sovereign development. It will be a huge fight, but the future of the nation is at stake.
As LaRouche stressed in his Nov. 29 webcast, Ukraine's decision is not unique. It is a reflection of the thinking going on throughout whole sections of western and central Europe, among those are looking for a way out of the death spiral they are now caught in. There are indications of discussions in Germany, France, and countries in eastern Europe.
If the United States political leadership were smart, it would listen to LaRouche and take up just such an orientation toward Eurasia as well. Eurasia, despite all its problems, is the global center for optimism today, for taking on the challenges of space and daunting infrastructure projects, for bringing mankind out of the doldrums and depression inherent in the Green disease that has taken over the West.
Eurasian-centered development promises mankind a great future, and those who want to create a promising future for their own nations, will orient in that direction now.
Yet, as one individual exclaimed upon being briefed on the Ukraine developments by a LaRouche PAC organizer, "Nobody knows this!" EIR is indeed a unique source. The dominant news media in the West, by and large, have adopted the same policy toward the grand cooperation agreements being forged together with Russia and China, that the Washington Post enunciated toward LaRouche back in 1976: Only cover the scandals! Not a word should be said about the economic and strategic policy alternatives being offered to the world by "these people."
Thus, what Americans and most Western Europeans hear about Russia and China is generally vitriol, mixed with lies, half-truths, and slanders. Even after President Putin pulled Obama's chestnuts out of the fire on Syria, avoiding what could have been a world war confrontation, the trans-Atlantic media remains in attack mode.
We at EIR will continue to defy this trend. Our commitment is to bring you in-depth coverage of the potentials being offered by Eurasian developments, to supply the economic-scientific thought which will allow them to come to fruition, and to inspire you to join the fight to create such a flourishing future—while making clear exactly what horrors mankind faces if national leaders, especially in the United States, do not make that decision soon. We are aided by leading individuals all over the world, including Eurasia, who want us to get the truth out.
In turn, we seek a commitment from you: to both read, and spread the EIR. Think how much smarter governments would be, if thousands more people read this magazine.