LaRouche Wakes Up the Sleepwalkers
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July 23—In his July 18 dialogue with the Manhattan Project and subsequently, Lyndon LaRouche has spoken with a new level of frankness on both the depth and the immediacy of the danger facing the world today, and also on the shocking refusal of even most people who consider themselves the most dedicated and the best-informed, to really understand what time it is. We're on the verge of the collapse of the trans-Atlantic system, which can come in various ways. Most of those ways are very, very bad ways: they involve the extermination of most Americans for one thing. But they're not aware of it, and they want to deny that such a thing could exist,—but that's exactly what does exist.
They talk among each other, and they come up with consoling ideas which should not be adopted. We have to take a harder fight on this, because we're in dangerous waters in the short term. These summer months, this very month itself, is a deadly month. People who are trying to get a long-term view of what the future is, are worse than wasting time. We need certain actions immediately.
Too many do not understand the issue, because they have too many facts that clutter up their attention. The situation is presently deadly. We're approaching a terminal state of international affairs very rapidly right now. "I know what has to be done," LaRouche said, but he has great difficulty in getting it understood. "We sunk Hillary: one of our members sunk Hillary, by inducing her, in fact, to make a fool of herself. This has gotten things disrupted. But our situation is not such that you could get a deductive insight into the course of history right now. This thing is ready to blow, fully. I'm thinking in terms of days and weeks, at most, before the whole thing comes to a decision. I think right now, the threat is potentially, hopefully, that the British Queen would be thrown out by the British themselves. We're waiting for the effect within a week or so: is the British Monarchy going to collapse globally?"
Of course, we can't say, "What do we bet on?" We have to act to influence the event such that it will be determined, partly, by our influence. But the idea that you can deduce effects in practical ways: forget it, that's gone. What my associates and I do to fight in our organization is indispensable. But the question is getting a clear view of what this is about. Not diminishing things on the horizon; you've got to see the horizon. It may be a big storm coming on. Well, this is not an ordinary storm. It turns out to be something much more forceful.
What we're doing, is often what I'm able to do. That's the problem. On this, the great majority is hopeless. They have no realization of what the reality of things is, right now. They just don't have it. They have specific issues, and they miss the big ones, the ones that are most important. You think you're getting a thundershower; you find out you're getting a tornado. And the good thing is that the British monarchy is on the verge of collapse.
That's the good news. They may escape it, but I doubt it. And it's probable that in two weeks or so, we will get the end of the British Monarchy. But people don't see it. It's coming like a thunderstorm, or like a tornado on the horizon of immediate experience. And the British Monarchy is doing everything to prevent that collapse. But now, the collapse has control of them. It could be two weeks. We don't know, but we know those are the kinds of things we're facing in the next week or so.
We've come to the point: people have been fooling around, "Yes, but; my experience; our experience; this is going to happen; that's not going to happen..." It's nonsense. Because they all believe in statistical methods. And statistical methods are the mark of the idiot. Because the future of mankind lies in the future, not in experience of the past. And the idea of being practical, using statistics, things like that, is what makes people impotent. Makes fools of them.
I gave a lesson over the weekend (July 18), which should be a lesson for them to study. That kind of exposition should be the method; when you try to interpret a couple of facts, as your method of policy-shaping, you're really incompetent; you're pitiful. You have to look at the future; don't rely on statistics; never believe in statistics ever, especially now. People don't realize that what they've been educated to believe in, is actually poisonous and foolish. When I hear the words, "Let's be practical," I say, "Mankind is committing suicide."
Put a cheerful point on it: say, "What we've believed in was all crap; now let's get serious." People speak of the merits of experience. I try to warn them about experience.
People believe, first of all, in statistics. These are forces of demoralization and degeneration which have come in since 1890. The beliefs which have been established under the aegis of that conception, have deluded people to where they have no intelligence of the future. They think of statistics, and people who believe in statistical evidence are just fools. They'll be caught up by the first storm which catches them. They don't see the future. At best, they see what they have experienced in the immediate past, or what they think might be the immediate future. It's just gibberish. Just think of everything printed in newspapers. It's absolutely incompetent; it's a fraud.
They say, "We need more information." What they need is to get rid of some of the information which is fraudulent information. It's much easier to pick up fraudulent information supplied to you, than it is to discover the truth, which always lies in the future. And you know that the U.S. population today has almost no conception of the future, of an actual future of mankind, none. Their future is what they hope or expect for themselves, in the immediate period, their ambitions and their fears. But they don't have a scientific outlook, because they're all practical people. And practical people are stupid people, because they're all going from deduction, deduction from experience. And that's the greatest threat to the human race, of foolishness, which is sort of a global disease.
We tend to have delusions, we believe in things, we try to console ourselves. I have a different life. I worry about different things. I see the things which preoccupy most others, but they're not the major things. Something immediate, something unsettling is seen, but the sight of the process is lost. We just have to improve our diagnoses of things. Be less tempted to draw conclusions from recent or side experiences. We're on the edge of the self-extermination of the human species; in the larger sense, that's the problem. But people are so much concerned about other matters, which to them are a priority, that they overlook the most important things concerning the existence of the human species. And there are some people who get onto these ideas, but then the overwhelming popular opinion goes against them. If you eliminated all the Wall Street people from the equation, you could probably get a good insight into the matter.
I have to fight another day, because I know, most of us so far, are still swallowed by follies. We've made too many mistakes, in effect. Too many false values. And a lot of bad misinformation.
We're on the edge, and if we continue the way we're going, we're going to go over the edge, because, the belief in the statistical outlook on life is the most poisonous and destructive thing imaginable. When someone says, "Be practical," you should shoot them, as the most merciful act for them.
People tend to learn from experience, but they don't see what they have not yet experienced. They believe too much in experience to date. Our society is not organized,—take the U.S.,—in the way which is necessary for the well-being of our people; they have delusions. You can pick up what the delusions are from almost any street-corner. They're running around with delusions. The economy is disintegrating at a rapid rate. The condition of life of our citizens is plummeting. The prospects of our survival are plummeting. And society does not respond to attacking those threats. They want to solidify their existing opinions, their existing prospects as they see them. They're ignorant of the truth of the situation. They're totally disarmed. A thunderstorm could come along, and sweep them all off the map of the earth. Their eyes or their opinions are gazing in the wrong direction. They're not paying attention to reality. They're paying attention to their wishful fantasies, or their meaningless fears.