Now the Hard Road Is the Only Road
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Oct 14—Now, at last, force yourself to face the facts. This bad joke of a nominating process can never produce a Democratic candidate who could be honestly elected by the American people. Hillary Clinton has decided to be,—or has been decided to be,—the candidate of Wall Street. She was already the cheerleader for the Bush-Cheney-Obama wars and murders in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. And Bernie Sanders is now the candidate of the hated Barack Obama, whom he used to attack, but now praises and supports. The corrupt fundraisers for Obama’s campaigns, who smuggled in drug-money under cover of anonymous internet contributions in 2008 for Obama’s fraudulent victory over a better Hillary Clinton,—have now moved over to perform the same service for Bernie Sanders. (Nothing need be said of the Republican so-called nominating process.)
Such morally-failed candidates, Wall Street and Obama candidates, can do nothing to begin to reverse the destruction the United States has suffered under almost 16 years of murderous Bush-Cheney-Obama tyranny. Rather, they will blast the country to oblivion well before January 2017.
A different nominating process must be begun now, directed not so much to nominating a single individual for President, but much more towards the creation of a Presidential team, like Franklin Roosevelt’s or George Washington’s team, for example, which unites within itself the qualifications and the knowledge to rescue our country while there is still time. And like Roosevelt’s and Washington’s teams in their time, that team must be assembled now, in and around Manhattan.
First, to deal with the obvious objection. If you say that that is “impractical,? then there is something very important which you yourself must learn right now. Practical people are dead people. The deadness which is already within them, will manifest itself quickly, now, as biological death, unless they renounce “being practical,? —or else, one may hope, are rescued, although through no merit of their own, by the creative people, who are not practical people.
This is what Edgar Allan Poe tried to teach you in his great stories, “The Pit and the Pendulum,? and “A Descent into the Maelström,? among so many others. Reread them now. Indeed, he sacrificed everything to teach you this; and now, well over a century later, have you learned nothing at all?
This country can only be saved when the great mass of the people take their cue from the few creative people. Only a new Renaissance can save this country now.
A Manhattan Party
Lyndon LaRouche addressed this in a discussion last night.
It’s the Universe that’s the issue, at least the human part of the Universe as we know it. And therefore, we’re going to have to have a composition pulled together which meets that requirement. And we can do that. If we get our ass off the shelf, shall we say, or something like that, we can do it! And we can do it on the basis of a central reference to Manhattan.
So what we’re going to do is have a Manhattan party. It’s called a national re-election party: We’re going to center everything around the parts of the nation, on the basis of a single campaign for a new Presidential system. And we’re going to get a team to get in there, with no more bullshit. No mere facts, no party lines, no meaningful suggestions, which are sometimes the most rotten ones you can possibly get, in my experience.
So it has to be a Manhattan-centered orientation, because the key is, as I pointed out earlier: Dump Wall Street! If we don’t have a dump Wall Street campaign as the leading course of action, you don’t win anything. So we have to say, “Shut down Wall Street, now, while we can, with Glass-Steagall, we can change the situation with Glass-Steagall.” We can do it. So we have to do it.
And we get ourselves marching with some real ammunition which we have to pull together, and we’re going to turn this thing upside down. It’s vulnerable enough that it can be done. The fact is that the two campaigns, as such, the so-called leading campaigns for the Democratic Party have flopped. They’re flopped, they’re dead, they’re finished! So what kind of a Democratic campaign do you have? You don’t have a Democratic Party campaign! You have a bastard Republican Party campaign. That’s the way you campaign, people like Trump. That’s the kind of thing that’s being pushed.
So we have to blow it. And we can blow it on an international basis, although you don’t like to usually do that on an international basis in terms of U.S. politics. But this time it’s come: What Putin is doing, together with China and India, and about three other nations which are smaller, tied to Putin now, that’s a pretty good constituent.
And the enemy is the British Empire! The competition is with the British Empire! It’s in sorry conditions; it’s on the edge itself, like Wall Street. Wall Street is hopelessly dead. If you want to be a Wall Streeter, you’re a dead person; there’s no way that mankind can live under Wall Street, or any form of Wall Street. The very existence of Wall Street will mean its death in panic. And you will get an extinction of most of the human population, as a result of such a panic.
So the bullshit is over.
A Global Perspective
And that’s where we are. We’re at a point where as of this moment now, with the package we have as of now, the recent developments which match that right now, we, our campaign policy, is dead! Because it is not a campaign policy; it’s a wishful thinking policy. And therefore, we have to think about how we are going to assemble something which has got the energy to do something about this. And the way we can do it,—we can do it on the basis of what Putin has done, and what Putin has done is not just Putin; it’s China; it’s India; it’s a whole group of smaller nations, that is, less-weight nations, working together with Putin, and it’s there!
So what you have to do, is you have to operate on the basis of a vision, not of local complexions, not of regional sections, but you’ve got to think of a global perspective. The old idea of the principle of party is crap, and we’ve just got to get rid of that crappy habit. And we’re going to have to start right now on what basis, with the fact that we know something and these guys don’t. That’s the issue. The people who want to be practical are the people who don’t know how to think.
We are now in a question of a planetary crisis. Can the planet as a planet, in and of itself, now sustain an actual institution on planet Earth? And I would say now, ‘No.’People pretend it exists, but it actually doesn’t. And everything now is on this new kind of process, where you have nations which are defined as nations with sovereignty. But the sovereignty is conditioned, because there are overreaching moral questions which have to be superior to any so-called Constitution. . . .
Take 9/11
What happened when Manhattan was attacked by the Saudis, when mass murder was occurring in Manhattan, and what has been done by the United States on that issue since that time? I would say that how we deal with this thing should be a leading factor. Because this thing is so raw, right now. The situation is so raw, so degenerated, that opinion itself has become degenerated. Because if you take any part of the community within our nation, you feel like you’re dealing with a degenerate; different flavors of degeneracy.
And therefore, you have to take the right kind of themes; don’t think about the political forms per se. Think about what happened to the people who got killed by the Saudis and the British: Isn’t that a good issue? Isn’t that a live issue?
Jeff [Steinberg] and I had some fun with that issue, in the sense of—you know, knowing the facts, and being guided into an experience together with some British forces who are loyal to people, as opposed to the other variety. We knew this was coming: We knew that the British monarchy did it! And used the Saudis as the instrument. That’s what 9/11 was! And I knew it before it happened, and Jeff knew it before it happened! And that should be a little test of,—do you know what the truth of history is?
And so we take those kinds of issues, not the so-called practical issues, but those kind of issues; and you organize around Classical music, according to the proper principle, which we have an organization for, essentially in Manhattan and around it now. Change the alternative! Change the orientation! Putin I’m sure will join; China I’m sure will join, others. Let’s do something about it.
Now, we’ve got a breakdown, a total breakdown of the Democratic Party,—totally shattered right now, as of now. And it was obvious to me at midday on Friday, that this thing is dead; the Democratic Party teams were dead.