Shut Down Wall Street This Week;
No More Suicides!
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Dec. 13—With so-called “junk debt” markets plunging, and experts warning of a “riot in the Wall Street casino” this week if the Federal Reserve raises rates, EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche today made a very strong proposal; indeed, a demand on the elected representatives and citizens of the United States.
“Close in on this and shut this Wall Street casino down, this week.” LaRouche said, “Remember what is the effect on the people of this kind of crash. We cannot have more suicides, or any more of what happened in Italy last week.”
Italy is in an uproar since an Italian citizen committed suicide after an insolvent bank expropriated all his savings in an outrageous “bail-in” procedure, which also expropriated many others across four failing banks. This infamous “Cyprus-style” procedure has been repeatedly used in Europe as banks collapse.
And more expropriations are coming: “People have been being murdered by their banking systems,” as LaRouche put it.
In the United States the sudden “junk debt collapse” is only a harbinger of a Wall Street collapse worse than 2008, with worse impacts on human livelihoods on a global scale.
LaRouche added:
We cannot allow it to continue. You have worthless accounts, of so-called debt “assets” which are in collapse, and they’re being used to kill people’s income, their employment, potentially their food supply, and even to kill them. If you don’t shut down these Wall Street “funds,” now, you will see what has just happened in Italy, on a grand scale.
I mean it is an “edge of death” situation, if we don’t shut down those pretended assets. Close down the Wall Street system. Bankrupt it as Franklin Roosevelt did during his Presidency.
Then, countries have to create national credit for productivity and employment, again as Roosevelt did.
It is Barack Obama who has blocked restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act, which is the key to bankrupting Wall Street and allowing productive credit to take effect on the economy.
The same Obama has brought in the “Paris climate agreement,” so-called, which —if it were to be carried out—would reduce the economy’s ability to support human life by 80-90% in the next 35 years.
“This is a bold human genocide if allowed to occur,” LaRouche said. We can’t allow it to occur.
“That means closing out Wall Street—and that includes Donald Trump—and getting Obama out. Good people in both political parties can agree, to move the responsible authorities in Congress to get these objectives done.”