January First Is Doomsday! Only an FDR Action Can Save You from Disaster
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Dec. 23—President Barack Obama and the entire U.S. Congress have betrayed you, the American people, by refusing, out of cowardice, to take the necessary emergency actions to prevent the greatest financial and economic crash—far worse than 1929 and 2008—from happening in the hours and days just ahead. Unless you, the American people, stand up and demand immediate action, the nation, and much of mankind, is facing catastrophe as the New Year begins.
The entire trans-Atlantic financial system is about to blow. In the past few weeks, $15 billion in junk and investment grade bonds have been wiped out. This is but a harbinger of an imminent total crash of the trans-Atlantic financial bubble. As of Jan. 1, a $72 billion debt bubble is set to explode in Puerto Rico. Congress had the opportunity to act to prevent this before leaving town, but failed to do so.
An estimated $5 trillion in debt, tied to the collapsing U.S. domestic shale oil and gas sector, is blowing up. In Western Canada, this bubble has already been shattered, triggering mass unemployment—100,000 jobs gone in 2015, the equivalent of 750,000 jobs lost in the United States—a crash of the real estate market, and a social breakdown. That same crisis is coming to the United States, at an accelerating rate, but on a much larger scale.
In Europe, starting on Jan. 1, 2016, new laws go into effect, eliminating all protections for bank depositors, who will have their savings stolen under “bail-in” regulations, as has already happened in Cyprus. More than 10,000 Italian depositors had their savings “bailed in” (expropriated) in the collapse of four banks this month. The same measures are included in the Dodd-Frank bill here in the United States. If your bank collapses, your life savings can be stolen to save the bank. It can and will happen here, thanks to the cowardice and corruption of your elected officials, who have kept you in the dark and violated their oaths of office.
Congress had the chance, before leaving town, to prevent this now on-rushing crisis. They were warned. They could have passed bills, already introduced in both Houses of Congress to reinstate Glass-Steagall, the FDR legislation that broke up the Depression era too-big-to-fail banks, by separating commercial banking from gambling activities. But Congress was bought out by Wall Street and failed you.
President Obama is a wholly-owned creature of Wall Street and London. Wall Street is hopelessly bankrupt, and they intend to cling to power by stealing your money, wiping out your health care, and shutting down what is left of the real economy. Within days or weeks, you could be facing food shortages, hyperinflation, and a complete breakdown of everything you think of as normal.
President Obama, on behalf of Wall Street and London, is also provoking confrontation with Russia, driving the world towards global war, a war that some top American and Russian military commanders warn could rapidly become a war of thermonuclear extinction.
On Jan. 1, 2016, under U.S. and International Monetary Fund approval, Ukraine will default on $3 billion in debt to Russia, an act of open Western provocation against Moscow, on top of the already ongoing sanctions, the eastward expansion of NATO, and other acts of direct military provocation.
This is deadly serious. The world is on the cusp of a worse than Great Depression crash and a new world war. You must now act because your elected officials have abandoned you out of cowardice and corruption. They, along with President Obama, deserve your derision and anger, for their cowardly behavior.
There are solutions readily available. Wall Street must be shut down immediately. Not one penny more to bail out these criminals! Congress must remove Wall Street puppet Barack Obama from office, through impeachment, or through invoking the 25th Amendment, which provides for the removal of a President from office who is mentally unfit to continue to serve. Glass-Steagall must be immediately reinstated, and a series of initiatives must be taken, all modeled on what the great American President Franklin Roosevelt did in his first months in office, to create millions of productive jobs, rebuild the nation’s collapsed infrastructure, and restore our dignity.
Congress can take these actions in a matter of hours, but they will only act in time if you wake up and demand it.
The alternative is Hell on Earth by the start of the New Year. Do you, your friends, your neighbors, have the moral fitness to survive? That is the question on your table this Christmas Eve.