Shut Obama Down
To End His Murder Spree
[Print version of this editorial]
Dec. 20—Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey, Andrey G. Karlov, was shot dead yesterday, while delivering an address at the Contemporary Arts Center in Ankara. Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu later identified the attacker as a 22-year-old former police officer by the name of Mevlut Mert Altintas. According to news reports, he was heard shouting, “Don’t forget Aleppo! Don’t forget Syria! As long as our brothers are not safe, you will not enjoy safety.”
In response to the attack, Turkish President Recip Erdogan, speaking on behalf of both himself and Russian President Vladimir Putin, denounced the assassination as an open “act of provocation” against Turkey-Russian relations. The assassination comes on the eve of a series of conferences aimed at resolving the Syrian crisis, between Turkey, Russia, Iran, and others, including both the Syrian government and moderate opposition.
Heightening global tensions, on the very same day as the Ankara shooting, a 25-ton truck ploughed into a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring at least 48 others. On Tuesday, Dec. 20, a posting was made to the Amaq website of ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), claiming responsibility for the Berlin attack. The posting stated, “A soldier of the Islamic State carried out the Berlin operation in response to appeals to target citizens of coalition countries.”
Upon receiving the first reports of the Ankara assassination, statesman Lyndon LaRouche immediately stated, “Put Obama on the list of suspects.” He also stated that the assassination itself was “a deliberate kind of kill—a set-up,” and that the murder was “not just vengeance, it’s a special operations act.” He urged that authorities “run down the people involved in any way in this.”
Obama Will Kill, Unless He Is Stopped
Three days prior to the Ankara shooting, Lyndon LaRouche had warned—after hearing a nationally broadcast interview given by President Obama on National Public Radio—that bloody, murderous actions by Obama could be expected in the days ahead. In that interview, Obama had specifically threatened action against Russia, asserting that Russia hacked Democratic National Committee computers. Obama raved, “I think there is no doubt that, when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action, and we will, at a time and place of our choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be, but Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about it.”
In response to Obama’s statements, Lyndon LaRouche said, “These words are a threat to murder people of importance. This is what Obama’s stepfather taught him.” LaRouche called on citizens to “watch this guy, so that he doesn’t kill. He is publicly threatening the world. The nations of the planet are now threatened by Obama’s plan for mass killing of people.” Obama “is intrinsically a killer,” as LaRouche put it.
Earlier, at his Dec. 16 White House Press Conference, Obama repeated his threat against “Russian hacking.” He said that he told Russia “to stop it, and indicated there will be consequences when they do it. . . . Our goal continues to be to send a clear message to Russia.” Further, Obama concurred with the CNN White House reporter’s summation, that “The President thinks Vladimir Putin authorized the hack.”
All the evidence, however, shows that Obama’s murderous provocations against Russia have nothing to do with alleged “hacking.” Despite repeated requests from the House Intelligence Committee for the Obama Administration to provide evidence of the “hacking,” all of the top Obama Administration intelligence officials have outright refused to go to Congress, declining even to appear in a close-door session. There have also been multiple indications that other intelligence agencies, including their top officials, do not agree with CIA Director John Brennan’s conclusion about Russian hacking. So far, not one shred of evidence has been presented.
The actual danger, in this post-election environment, arises from Obama’s predilection for murder—and the fact that he is soon to be out of office, where he will have neither executive powers nor protection from possible prosecution for his crimes.
Look at the Obama record. There are his Tuesday target meetings to draw up victim-lists for killing-by-drones. There are the continued deployments of American men and women to go to their harm and death, in U.S. military service, in the 16 years of Obama/Bush/British regime-change wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya). Within the United States, death rates and drug overdoses are soaring as a result of the Obama economic disaster, which he calls a successful “recovery.”
Look at Obama’s history. Lyndon LaRouche has stressed many times that Obama comes by killing from his own upbringing. His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, was a killer-operative in the subversion and slaughter (1965-66) to bring down the government of President Sukarno. Obama wrote in his autobiography of how he learned during that time, that killing the weak is what the strong do.
LaRouche noted that, “internationally right now, we have people leading a world program for development and peace [the Eurasian New Silk Road, with President Xi Jinping, along with President Putin and others], but Obama will not just let things get by peacefully. He will kill; then the problem comes in, and it’s a bloody mess.” LaRouche emphasized that, “The signals are all there. Obama has made it clear.... Obama has made repeated efforts to show his readiness for large-scale killing in the United States and other nations.” What needs to be done, is “to shut down Obama,” to prevent what he intends to do.