This editorial appears in the April 13, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
LaRouche PAC Emergency Statement
Call Congress and Your Senator and Tell Them To Shut Down Robert Mueller, Stop the British Drive to War
[Print version of this editorial]
April 10—In response to the British hoax being sold to President Trump for war in Syria and the dual operation by Robert Mueller, raiding the office of Trump’s attorney to force the President to back Britain’s war drive, the Lyndon LaRouche PAC issued the following mobilization statement on April, 10, 2018. Executive Intelligence Review endorses this call and asks its readers to join in this mobilization.
We, the United States, are about to launch an attack on Syria and, possibly, the Russian troops therein, based on perfidious British lies; based on what may turn out to be history’s final and blackest intelligence hoax, the one that eliminated the human race. At the same time, President Trump’s personal lawyer’s office was raided today, April 9, 2018, based on a referral from Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The issue apparently concerns allegations surrounding a years-old affair between the President and the lying and disgusting porn star Stormy Daniels. This is considered so serious by Mueller and our corrupt FBI, that the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution can be summarily tossed aside. These two outrageous events are completely related. Unless you rise up with us right now to stop it, this country is in grave, graver peril. The outright attempt to blackmail this President into the war he was elected to stop has been escalated beyond anyone’s imagination.
In 2016, millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump because he said he would end useless, perpetual wars on behalf of an intellectually dead and financially bankrupt Anglo-American system, the imperium which dates to the immediate aftermath of World War II. That system, centered in Wall Street and the City of London, has ripped off the world, and destroyed the once-great U.S. economy, a fact which became completely evident to the sentient when the system crashed in 2008. Donald Trump sought better relations with China, now emerging as the world’s most powerful economy, and Putin’s Russia. Trump’s determination to establish decent relations with Russia and China, and that determination alone, set into motion the hellish coup against the President, led by the British and those many useful idiots in our elites who are in their thrall.
That coup, whose manifesto was the fake “dirty dossier” on Donald Trump authored by MI6’s Christopher Steele and paid for by Hillary Clinton, was on its last legs when Britain began its present offensive. Senators Charles Grassley and Lindsay Graham had referred Christopher Steele to the United States Department of Justice for criminal prosecution, and patriots in Congress were pursuing a genuine effort to identify and prosecute those responsible for the coup against our President.
Then, on March 4, 2018, a Russian who spied for Britain, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter were allegedly poisoned in Salisbury, England. Skripal runs in the same British espionage circles associated with Christopher Steele. Prime Minister Theresa May immediately pronounced to the world that Russia was behind the attack, but has never ever produced any proof for any of her bellicose statements. President Trump was bum-rushed by his traitorous advisors, including H.R. McMaster, who throughout his military career was a captive of Britain’s International Institute of Strategic Affairs, into supporting Britain’s completely unfounded claims.
The message to the President from our traitors is clear: join us in the march to war and maybe, maybe, we will let up with the coup.
Ultimately, Britain’s own chemical weapons experts at Porton Down refused to say that the agent used on the Skripals was manufactured in Russia, despite the evidence-free claims of Theresa May and her insane Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson. Obvious doubts had already been voiced by several European countries which abstained from Britain’s call to war. Among the facts considered: The deadly nerve agent described by May would have immediately killed Skripal and his daughter. Yet, both are alive and out of critical condition. Accounts of where it was administered have varied; most recently it was said to have been smeared on the front door handle of Skripal’s home. Yet, Skripal somehow managed to leave the house for some hours, walking around the village, drinking and eating at restaurants until he suddenly fell ill. The formula for the alleged poison had been widely published by its Russian inventor, a dissident now living in the United States. Now, with that hoax disintegrating, we are told that the Skripals and all possible evidence in the case are being disappeared. According to the British press, they will be put in a CIA Witness Protection Program. Their house and every alleged crime scene involved in this hoax are being bull-dozed and destroyed. No possibility of an actual investigation of this hoax is to be left open.
Despite voicing support for Theresa May, Donald Trump still sought to make good on his promise to the American people. He congratulated Putin on his election and invited him to the White House for early talks, citing the escalating and dangerous arms race between the United States and Russia. The British and their American friends completely lost it in response. They decided a hammer needed to be dropped on this President who now was even talking of pulling American troops out of Syria and rebuilding the United States.
Enter a second British-authored poisoning hoax, this one in Syria, where the Russians, Iranians, and Syrians not only assisted in the defeat of Isis, but were mopping up the last remnants of remaining jihadis, such as Jayish Al-Islam, a rebranded Salafist Jihadi group controlled by the Saudis, and the Al-Nusra front or Al-Qaeda. The final military operations consolidating victory were concluded in the last days in Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus. Having achieved victory, under the narrative our war-mongering media would have us believe, Assad launched a chemical weapons attack to celebrate that victory, knowing he would bring down holy hell upon himself from the West.
The pictures of dying children which President Trump reacted to so emotionally a year ago, when he launched missile strikes on Syria, have been presented to him again. There is every reason to believe they are fake. Russia and Syria had been warning about just such a false-flag attack involving chlorine gas for over a month as they closed in on victory in Gouta. The only information claiming such an attack occurred is coming from the White Helmets, an aid organization founded by the British, implicated as being militarily involved with Al-Qaeda, and deeply implicated in past hoaxes concerning Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons. Sy Hersh fully documented this story in the London Review of Books, concerning the fake news that Assad used Sarin in August of 2013. MIT’s Ted Postol and others have demonstrated that the alleged sarin attack to which President Trump responded militarily one year ago, was also a British fake. See, Robert Parry, in-syria-sarin-certainty/ and James Carden, is-there-a- place-for-skepticism/.
The White Helmets are jointly funded by British and American intelligence components dedicated to regime-change in Syria. They have received millions upon millions of dollars for this purpose. They are critical components of the interventionist and regime-change foreign policy Donald Trump was elected to eradicate.
In 2013, when Obama threatened war with Russia over Syria, the American people intervened, raised the roof of Congress, and stopped it. This is what is needed now. Russia sees an unrelenting information warfare offensive coming from the British and their dupes in the U.S. They correctly see this as the first steps toward war. We need to reverse this starting right now. Call your Congressional Representative or Senator, tell them to Stop the drive to war and Shut down Robert Mueller, Now. The Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121.