This editorial appears in the July 27, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
Three Presidents
At the recently concluded Helsinki summit, President Trump stated:
We (the United States and Russia) will have discussions on everything from trade to military to missiles to nuclear to China; we’ll be talking a little bit about China (and) our mutual friend President Xi Jinping.
Consider where we are, where human history stands, at this moment. The Presidents—not Prime Ministers, but Presidents of sovereign republics—of the three most powerful nations on Earth are now, all three, working together. They have initiated a strategic engagement, a discussion among their three respective nations concerning the most vital issues facing humanity today. What we have witnessed so far is only the beginning of this dialogue, and if it continues and deepens, profound changes in the nature of human affairs are to be expected.
Consider what has been reported thus far regarding the personal rapport which Donald Trump has established with both Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, as well as the tangible steps which have been taken. There is one overriding characteristic to all of the initiatives we have seen during the 18 months that Donald Trump has been in office: a commitment to bring about a durable peace among the superpowers. This premier dedication is undeniable. Compare this to the directionality of world events during the preceding 16 years of the Bush and Obama presidencies—years of wars, regime change, NATO expansion, and other geopolitical atrocities.
In 1967, the great Pope Paul VI coined the phrase, “Development is the New Name for Peace.” Truthful in its intention, the reverse is also true. Economic development which will serve the interests of mankind is only possible under conditions of peace and cooperation. Despite the massive attacks on Donald Trump and the demonization of Vladimir Putin in the trans-Atlantic news media, this is now being achieved.
Ask yourself: Has anything like this ever before occurred in human history? Is it not completely unprecedented? Yes, there are earlier precedents, both those which were immediately successful in establishing a just peace, such as the Treaty of Westphalia, and intentions, such as John Quincy Adams’ “Community of Principle Among Nations,” but what we are witnessing today is of an entirely different character. What is very clear, from what has been said and done thus far, is that the three leaders are absolutely determined to end the era of British geopolitics—to place the relationships among nations on a completely different footing. This is exactly what Donald Trump said he was going to do during his campaign, and he is doing it.
Make no mistake. This is the greatest threat to the hegemony of the British financial empire in the entirety of its existence. What makes this fight winnable, is that in the combination of Russia, China and the United States we see a totality of power which has the means to see this reorientation of world affairs through. Alexander Hamilton and George Washington did not possess the power to dismantle the British Empire. Neither did Abraham Lincoln. FDR might have accomplished it, if he had lived, but even FDR lacked the strategic partners so crucial to such an undertaking. In the combination of Trump’s America, Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China, a power exists to remake the world.
Do the British possess the means to defeat this? No, if the people of the United States enter the battle in increasing numbers to defend the Trump Presidency and push this process forward. It is true that the British possess dangerous weapons. They control the major news media; they currently have hegemony within the intelligence community; and they can deploy the financial power of the City of London and Wall Street. But they are up against the Presidents of the three most powerful nations on the planet. They are losing, and they are becoming more desperate.
Ending the Empire
Within this global battle, those individuals associated with Lyndon LaRouche have a specialized role—a decisive role—to play. We must not allow ourselves to be spectators.
Many people point to the events of 9/11, and the ensuing Afghanistan and Iraq wars, as the moment when the United States and Britain embarked on a global drive to isolate and destroy Russia, threaten and intimidate China, and cow the rest of the world into submission. But if we are to succeed in the current battle, it is necessary to extend our vision and to go back further—to understand and correct grievous errors made during an earlier period.
In 1971 Lyndon LaRouche was practically alone in his economic forecasts, in identifying the disastrous global consequences of the decision by Richard Nixon in terminating the Bretton Woods monetary agreements and ending the system of “fixed exchange rates.” In 1975, LaRouche proposed his remedy to the colossal error of the Nixon presidency—the International Development Bank. Everything we have witnessed during the last four and one-half decades in terms of economic crisis, mass poverty and warfare has resulted from the failure on the part of government leaders to act on LaRouche’s warnings and proposals.
Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping all desire world peace. They all want economic development which will benefit the people of their own and other nations. The only way to secure this—to ensure this—is to follow “the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche” in the weeks and months ahead. Specifically, governments must reexamine LaRouche’s proposal for a New Bretton Woods agreement, one which will end—for good—the era of financial speculation, one which will shatter the power of the offshore banks, vulture funds and other financial parasites, and one which will put the economic and monetary relations among nations on a secure footing, such that stable long-term investment in physical economic projects becomes the norm.
It is time to end the era of usury and predatory financial speculation. The nations of China, Russia and the United States have the combined power to accomplish this. That is why the British are howling.
Has an opportunity like this ever come before in human history? Shall this opportunity be fulfilled? The answer—the realization of this potential—lies with us. Our clarity of intent and determined intervention will make the difference.