This editorial appears in the August 16, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
To Change the Killer Culture, Announce the National Mission
to Colonize Space
[Print version of this editorial]
Mrs. Boyd’s discussion of this topic with a live audience and moderator Dennis Speed is available.
Aug. 7—The case for “the space program as our salvation” is our subject here. It is an urgent change of culture that is strategically necessary not only for the survival of the United States but for the entire world. There are lots of ways to look at the hysteria that has consumed the United States over the past 24 hours. But most important is that none of the so-called answers from all sides of the debate—ban assault weapons, impose red flags, ban video games, do something about mental health, a subject we do not even seem capable of accurately or scientifically defining, are the least bit rational.
President Trump was right when he said that solving the seemingly endless stream of mass murders implies a change of culture; it requires creating a culture that embraces the dignity of human life. He also said that he intends to bring this about.
Since the dignity of human life consists of our creativity, this means increasing our ability to master and shape the laws of the universe, supporting ever larger populations at higher levels of development, mastering space and near space exploration. The discoveries associated with that are the only means of ensuring a true economic recovery and inspiring the cultural optimism characteristic of a national mission. That is something spoken about by President Trump and he seems to understand the idea. Unfortunately, many people around the President, most prominently the decadent Republican Party, don’t understand this. Hence, our mission.
There are two tactical factors being put into play by our exposed and desperate oligarchical opponents. The first is the use of the recent mass shootings to claim that the President of the United States is a secret White Supremacist and must be thrown out of office because his rhetoric caused the recent murders. This is the second phase of the coup against Donald Trump, Robert Mueller having now wandered off the set in a public mental stupor. To paraphrase Karl Marx, the first part might have been serious, but having now been completely exposed as fraudulent, the second phase is a farce that requires an appropriate level of jokes and ironies.
The overarching British strategic policy that makes this new phase of the coup necessary is Trump’s refusal to go along with the advanced sector’s Green New Deal, the myth in which it will seek to enfold the coming collapse of the City of London and Wall Street speculative economy whilst imposing fascist austere dictatorships throughout the advanced sector and destroying any potential of the developing sector.
Green Fraud of the Billionaires
Do you think that most working people in the United States, most black people, Hispanics, and Asians, really give a damn about the Green New Deal? Hell no! It is the preoccupation of rich white and black politicians who otherwise obsess about “virtue signaling” while immersing themselves in a culture of wealth and privilege.
But the second, overarching tactic involved in this phase of the coup is the targeting of the minds of our young people—creating hysteria around gun and other violence, racial violence, and through the apocalyptic brainwashing scenarios presented in the Green New Deal as they impact the labile and still developing minds.
Historically, it is the young who make revolutions for the benefit of mankind in times of crisis. Witness the young age of most of the revolutionaries who created the United States. The aim, today, however is to turn our young into zombies or fascists before the moment of crisis arrives. Already, based on the media’s pumped-up fight against gun violence and the propaganda surrounding climate change and the Green New Deal, Trump’s support among younger layers of the population has dropped by significant percentages.
Now, in making the case for how we fight, I want to report to you a conflict we had within our organization. In 2014, Lyndon LaRouche wrote his “Four New Laws to Save the U.S. Now! Not an Option: An Immediate Necessity,” laws that are equally applicable today. A politically confused, and clearly blocked, editor took LaRouche’s Fourth Law, “Adopt a Fusion-Driver ‘Crash Program’,” which calls for a crash program to build a fusion-power based economy, and decided to change that Law for purposes of publication.
LaRouche in that document presented the unique nature of the human species, the power of reason and creativity, of which no beast and no machine has any capability. He included the idea of experimental science—upon which he relied in proposing this entire program—right after his specific call for a crash program for a fusion economy, the Fourth cardinal law in the document. Instead of the Fourth Law you now see published, that entire last section was reduced to “No to Green Ideology” in the editing of the statement by a reductionist editor. At the same time, others of our mentally blocked associates decided to focus on one law or another in the organizing.
The Power of Being Human
Some decided to focus on Glass-Steagall because it seemed so easily understood. This, a very furious Lyndon LaRouche pointed out, destroyed the meaning of his program and his intention. He said, all of the Four Laws had to be implemented immediately, simultaneously, and quickly to save the economy and should be conceptualized as a unitary force. For that to happen, in an educationally and morally challenged population, the axioms underlying these laws had to be completely understood.
Glass-Steagall, and national banking, are urgent remedial measures for today’s casino economy, which will do us all in if they are not implemented. But the Second Law (national banking) also meant that large amounts of credit have to be quickly directed to building large-scale infrastructure on a modern platform, the funding of fundamental scientific endeavors and breakthroughs, and engagement of the population in those endeavors at wage rates and with productive identities that ensure family formation and fundamental progress.
It also meant, as LaRouche otherwise elaborated on numerous occasions, that the only way this could happen all at once is through announcing a crash program for Moon-Mars exploration as a national mission and making it come into being.
Most people don’t even know that President Donald Trump announced just such a crash program back in May of 2019. He spoke about it during the national celebration on July 20 of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, and has referred to it repeatedly. To counter this, the British have rolled out their “Trump-is-a-racist” meme, while using a degraded Democratic Party, which lost its collective mind in the first stage of the coup, and whose Presidential candidates now parade as quasi-violent clowns, repeating the British mass-media propaganda line, pronouncing the President a racist who is responsible, through his “rhetoric” for the murders with guns of the last week.
In Europe, meanwhile, the City of London’s Green Climate Initiative, being prepared throughout the days of the Trump Presidency, was significantly expanded in a summit that occurred July 2. It is designed to suck huge investments into windmills, austere diets, and other “green” programs and away from any form of productive investment.
Looking to the Stars
Now, imagine that we were producing things—as described in the pamphlet Ben Deniston just wrote about the promise of the Artemis Moon-Mars program (available in the August 9, 2019 issue of EIR) and its necessity, and the video, “Dynatropy: the Creative Universe and Mankind’s Unending Progress,” that Bruce Director and Megan Beets have posted on the LaRouchePAC website, on Lyndon LaRouche’s proof that human cognition and creativity are coherent with the fundamental laws of the universe—producing things on a much expanded basis, a huge basis, thereby addressing young people and challenging them. Addressing the scientific community and challenging it.
Imagine if the President and people from NASA were treating the scientific challenges involved in this like President Franklin Roosevelt treated the war mobilization, briefing every American every Friday about the problems and prospects. Do you think the present level of hysteria would be possible, let alone, tolerated? I don’t mean to give the enemy’s propaganda any more power than it actually has. Most people are ignoring it. The only reason it has any life at all is that we are not “flooding the zone,” so to speak, with the positive alternative: what we are for.
You always have to put first what we are for and organize for that with a laser focus and, as LaRouche used to say, with a killer instinct. What comes up in opposition to that is your enemy’s plays, and you only highlight them in order to understand their vulnerabilities and how to defeat them. The required state of mind, as LaRouche often said, is one of serenity and calm, observing, mapping, and then acting as a scientist waging war would.
The Enemy’s State of Play
Now, with that in mind, let’s look in a little more detail at the current enemy state of play here in the United States. It is very, very old and, for that reason, as Trump might say, boring, and only has an impact because of its endless repetition. It is true that the turning of children into killers of their siblings and parents is, as LaRouche said, the ultimate terrorism, the ultimate crime against civilized society, but the general case is not what is at issue here now. The recent killings in El Paso, Texas and at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California were and are specifically being used to target Trump as a racist and intimidate his supporters, and they are manipulated episodes with the hand of British intelligence strongly at play.
Insanity in High Places
The desperation of this ploy can be seen in the bizarre rant yesterday by former Vice President and now Democratic Party pre-candidate for President in 2020, Joe Biden, in which he struggled to manifest sustained feigned anger for a significant period, tired himself out, and then flubbed whole portions of his script.
Another pathetic part of the new narrative, indicative of its outright insanity, was introduced by former FBI counterintelligence official, C. Frank Figliuzzi on MSNBC, claiming that the President, by ordering U.S. flags to be raised on August 8, after the period of mourning for the El Paso and Dayton killings, was wittingly or unwittingly subliminally messaging White Supremacists who find the numbers “88” significant, as being code for “Heil Hitler.” Shades of what British intelligence concocted to claim that Lyndon LaRouche was anti-Semitic. Every time LaRouche referred to British oligarchs, he was supposedly using coded language to refer to Jews. You have to be half-way down the road to crazy if you can even entertain such an argument.
The very first sentences of the manifesto of the El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, aged 21, give the game away. He says, “In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” That endorsement introduces a very rational and cogent presentation of repugnant ideas. Crusius, allegedly posted his manifesto on 8chan’s “/pol/” board titled, “The Inconvenient Truth,” minutes before he went into an El Paso WalMart and deliberately mowed down Hispanics along with random white people caught in his AK47’s machinations. Despite the coherence of his alleged “manifesto,” law enforcement officials otherwise describe him as disoriented and confused.
A 74-page manifesto, titled “The Great Replacement,” allegedly written by Brenden Tarrant was posted on “8chan” just prior to Tarrant’s murder of 51 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, this past March. The extremely well-organized propaganda rant begins with a circle divided into what are described as the main policy planks of the Alt Right: anti-imperialism, environmentalism, responsible markets, addiction free community, law and order, ethnic autonomy, protection of heritage and culture, and worker’s rights. The manifesto sums this up in the first sentence with Tarrant declaring himself an eco-fascist. He proceeds to outline the necessity of killing off Muslims and non-white-European “races” because of over-population.
The killer, Tarrant, writes, as Prince Phillip and Henry Kissinger did repeatedly before him, that non-white immigrants and non-white populations breed like crazy and will exhaust the Earth’s resources. He says that he realized the necessity of violent fascism when traveling through Europe, saying that he witnessed the killing of white Europeans by the migrants from the Middle East in France. His primary ideological hero is the dead British fascist Oswald Mosely. He speaks repeatedly of the decadence of “The West,” saying that the dividing line around guns in the United States can and must be used to provoke a civil war that will result in the Balkanization of the United States into racially homogenous ethno-states.
British Desperados
The synthesized nature of this creed should tell the alert reader that these ideas, as articulated, are not written by the shooters, although they motivate their actions.
So what is “8chan,” the forum for the two manifestos? “8chan,” run by an American living in the Philippines, is the successor to “4chan,” a British intelligence plaything aimed to attract rebellious and labile young people, particularly those associated with the gamer culture—angry nerds who have already withdrawn from social activity and have severe adolescent difficulties, particularly in relating to the opposite sex.
“4chan” had a channel called “/pol/,” in which politically incorrect and violent postings were encouraged. It became relatively famous because of its association with Gamergate, a doxing scandal in which female gamers were targeted and violently attacked for trying to participate in the violent video game genre. “4chan” also originally attracted people based on its promotion of Japanese anime, a Manichean subculture featuring animated characters and often Nazi and anti-feminist themes. Posters are anonymous and the activities of the hacker group, Anonymous, also a British intelligence creation, were often featured on the site. “8chan” was designed to be even more violent than “4chan.”
It is obvious that both websites and those who participate in them have been tracked by intelligence agencies, if not totally operated by them, since they came into existence many years back.
The activities of Steven Bannon with respect to all of this remain a target of investigation. Whilst operating out of Hong Kong and Hollywood, Bannon headed a gaming company called IGE that used low wage Chinese labor to accumulate advantages in video games, selling the personas and images gained to rich clients who wanted to cheat at video games. Bannon helped persuade private equity firms, including his former employer Goldman Sachs, to invest tens of millions of dollars in the venture. In 2007, however, IGE faced pressure from gaming companies, a class-action lawsuit, an investigation by authorities in Florida, and financial stress. Bannon soon steered IGE away from its virtual goods business. But, he targeted and recruited alienated young gamers from this milieu into his version of the Alt Right.
Additional insight into the synthetic ideological underpinnings of these new-breed racists can be found in the biography of Richard Spencer, the instigator of the Alt Right side of the violent confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia of August 2017, and the champion of this eco-fascist movement. Spencer’s wife, whom he beat, resulting in divorce, worked for the Russian Eurasian synarchist Alexander Dugin. Like Dugin, with whom he collaborates, Spencer imagines the eco-fascist regime he is putting into place to be the third and final Roman Empire.
Not surprisingly, both Dugin and Spencer are devotees of Nazi Crown Jurist Carl Schmitt. In other words, this is the synarchy that we identified as the Children of Satan in the wake of 9/11, much like the ecological synarchist tendencies LaRouche wrote about in “The New Left, Local Control, and Fascism” in 1968. We are facing two versions of proto-fascist identity politics, a right and a left version. Both end in the same place. If we are to rescue our youth and actually defeat the oligarchy once and for all, LaRouche’s space program is our imminent opportunity to do so, and we do know what to do. It is the answer to how you change the culture.
I can assure you that Lyndon LaRouche is already cheering our success.