This editorial appears in the October 4, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Some Plain Facts Concerning the
Coup Against President Trump
[Print version of this editorial]
The following are edited notes from Barbara Boyd’s September 26, 2019 presentation for the LaRouche PAC Fireside Chat. To watch the program, click here.
Sept. 26—U.S. Representative Devin Nunes opened today’s House Intelligence Committee circus—where Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testified—by saying, “Welcome to today’s ‘information warfare’ operation against the President.” That was a very accurate characterization, because that is what we are experiencing. The tools of military full-spectrum information warfare have been turned against the population of the United States in the continued effort to overturn the result of the 2016 election. I will talk a bit more about this information warfare later. But, as a result of this, the U.S. Congress is now in the process of impeaching the President. It’s our job to make this operation backfire and to recruit Americans to the perspective of Lyndon LaRouche, which is the route out of this mess.
Tonight, I will paint in broad strokes what is now emerging, and then we can discuss what we need to do about it, because it is, I assert, the responsibility of everyone on this call to ensure that this Republic survives. Think about the alternatives to Donald Trump and where they stand. Think about the sedition that we have experienced over the last three years. Now is the time when we can see Lyndon LaRouche, who passed away earlier this year, reaching down from where he resides to help us help this President, by getting significant individuals in the United States to think strategically, as he did. It is only that kind of thinking and the political programs which flow from it, not reacting to the daily news cycle, which will heal the divisive wounds now being inflicted on the American people.
What is upon us is a declaration by the House of Representatives, effectively controlled by the Democratic Party majority, that nothing in this nation will get done until the election in 2020, that is, unless the Democrats are forced by the population to back off. That includes NASA’s Artemis program—anything big or essential to the country. It is possibly the most seditious moment we have ever encountered in our storied history.
So, the facts, and their background:
Fact 1. The financial system, centered in the City of London and, to a lesser extent in Wall Street, is fatally flawed, as Lyndon LaRouche demonstrated repeatedly in his triple curve function. To maintain their power, the international oligarchy that benefits from this system, has decided to promulgate an outright myth, of a global warming crisis, to induce populations, like lemmings, to kill themselves by denying themselves the means to reproduce. This is not new. Their plans for an alternative to the U.S. dollar in the form of a worldwide digital currency, controlled in its issuance by the world’s central banks, are the same as the various Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket-of-currency proposals made by the IMF for a very long time.

Trump: No Central Bankers’ Dictatorship
When LaRouche proposed an International Development Bank in answer to the fatal 1971 takedown of the Bretton Woods system, the City of London answered him directly with their SDR program. They told LaRouche then, in essence: “We have ample means, in addition, to corrupt Third World leaders, to prevent the massive physical development of the Earth and exploration of space you propose, even though we know that your proposals will work.” We are seeing now, internationally, simply new iterations of that fundamental fight.
LaRouche showed us how to counter them. If they seek to attack the dollar, the President needs to raise interest rates here, as Lyndon LaRouche outlined in his Two-Tier Credit System. We also need such a two-tiered system mechanism here to ensure that low interest, long-term credit is available for productive physical investment, as in infrastructure and space, and that speculative finance is dried out by making extensions of credit to it hugely expensive. That is what is implied by Glass-Steagall and the National Bank or similar mechanism.
When they talk about green and sustainable development, hit them back with Lyn’s crash program development of fusion power and space exploration, adopt the policies favoring advanced hard goods production and high technology and scientific training. Whatever brainwashing the banks have been able to do in the developing sector, there is no true market for this so-called sustainable development in the United States. For the most part, the insane Greta Thunberg is seen for what she is, an actress in a bad movie in which the Catholic priest, who was obtained to do the exorcism, has seemingly fled the scene. The public laughs at her and searches for yet another exorcist, while Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry and similar oafs pretend to take her seriously.

Fact 2. Donald Trump’s September 24 speech at the UN launched a thorough attack on globalization and in favor of nation states and national sovereignty. Globalization is the means for implementing the intended new, criminal, central banker’s dictatorship. The President highlighted the essential role of the nation state in any true advance of human civilization. The President’s speech occurred in this strategic context that I have just outlined. Yes, he said some stupid things in addition, but this was his major theme and has been his major theme. He also accurately characterized Ukraine as the buffer state between Russia and the UK, which is both accurate and somewhat hilarious.

Fact 3. Over the course of the summer, the President fired the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and his hyperactive assistant Sue Gordon, along with National Security Advisor John Bolton. The alarm about this was heralded by Politico on September 18-19, with stories saying the President was freeing himself to run his own foreign policy, that he was an Administration of One when it came to foreign affairs. Fundamentally, the President does differ with official Washington on war and peace. They have tried to get him into a war, endlessly, the last try being a war with Iran, and he has resisted.
Will Congress Run Our Foreign Policy?
Fact 4. Now, with it becoming clear to the population that Joe Biden’s brain is made of Swiss cheese and that after Biden, the field of Democrats campaigning for their party’s nomination for President are not going to cut it, the present Ukraine-centered impeachment scam was cooked up. Remember, the oligarchy’s spokesman, the British House of Lords, has already instructed their assets in the United States that under no circumstances can Donald Trump have a second term.
The story behind the scam involves Ukraine, but it more importantly involves a lot of the spies who were at the White House under John Bolton’s tutelage at the National Security Council. Both issues have huge boomerang potentials, as has been pointed out by many, but it’s up to us to make sure that the boomerang results in truly draining the swamp. Pulling the Ukraine string can and will result in felling all the trees in this proverbial forest but only if we focus and do our job. Specifically, Trump’s reference to Ukraine having access to the CrowdStrike computer server, or a copy of it, is what caused the intelligence community’s collective head to explode.
Today’s New York Times instructs us that the whistleblower pointing the finger at President Trump in this case is, indeed, a CIA agent and apparently active concerning Ukraine. He is, in other words, a witting participant in the ongoing attempted coup and has been for a long time. Former Technical Director at the NSA, Bill Binney, said tonight the whistleblower is a hearsay blower who is not a true whistleblower and is perverting the protections provided under the whistleblower law.
Fact 5. Before going to the specifics of what is before us, I want to exploit some ironies and add some reflections. President Trump, in his July 24 discussion with President Zelensky of Ukraine, spoke about the ridiculous graft of Joe Biden’s son in Ukraine. He said that what he had heard about the firing of the prosecutor on that case, would be interesting for the Ukrainians to explore. He also asked for help on the vast Ukrainian end of the criminal state actions, led by the UK, against his presidential campaign. In the conversation at issue, with the President of Ukraine, President Trump is almost quoting our dossier directly: The President says that the coup against him started with Ukraine. Now, I ask you, who else is saying this?
The House is alleging that the President is using his office for his own political benefit. Yet, the same House has been engaged, for three years, on the taxpayers’ dime, trying to reverse the results of the 2016 elections through knowingly bogus investigations of the President. The same House, in the name of the Constitution, says it is entitled to transcripts of the President’s conversations with foreign leaders, conversations which are privileged under Article II of the Constitution. What foreign leader is going to speak with Trump if everything said is going to be leaked?
Full-Spectrum Information Warfare
Fact 6. The case at hand. Rudy Giuliani, the President’s lawyer, by his account, was approached by a very prominent investigator and was told details of the Ukrainian involvement in the coup against Trump. Again, we have covered this extensively in our dossiers. It involves the Chalupas: Alexandra, who worked for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Irene, a long time operative of the State Department’s propaganda bureaus, and Andrea, Alexandra’s sister, who works primarily on digital operations for the most vile anti-Russian and extremist portions of the Ukrainian diaspora. The two sisters worked with the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and the Ukrainian embassy to develop the smears of Paul Manafort which led to the opening of his criminal case, as part of the operation to get Trump.
That case, originally, involved a forged document, called the black ledger, allegedly showing cash payments received by Manafort from the deposed Yanukovych government. Nellie Ohr, in developing her profile for Russiagate, working for Fusion GPS, relied heavily on Ukrainian intelligence sources. Equally enticing, when the roll call for the people involved in the illegal foreign attack on Trump’s presidential campaign is made, you find a complete overlap with the main actors in the 2014 Ukraine regime change operation: Christopher Steele, Sir Richard Dearlove, Stefan Halper, very prominently George Soros, Dmitri Alperovitch, Victoria Nuland, Jon Winer, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, John McCain, David Kramer, Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr, various London-based former Russian oligarchs, Bill Browder—-the whole crew—and the list could go on.
Now, who has previously identified this overlap? The LaRouche movement and only the LaRouche movement. We said it when we saw the Women’s March in January 2017 and wrote an EIR pamphlet about it; we said it way back in May 2017, when we wrote the longer piece called “The Insurrection Against the President, Or, Who Really is George Soros, Anyway?”
On top of that, there is a lot of information out there pointing to a Ukrainian role in the coverup of what actually happened in the alleged hack of the DNC server through a hacking group called Shaltai Boltai, or Humpty Dumpty, which played a significant role in the coup. Again, President Trump seems to be saying, in the call with the Ukrainian President that is at the heart of this uproar, that the actual DNC server content, the thing which the DNC told the FBI it could not have, was somehow copied to a Ukrainian oligarch. In the conversation, Volodymyr Zelensky, the new President of Ukraine, seems to know exactly what President Trump is talking about.
This is what Giuliani says he and the President are investigating. You can add to that, the reference to “full-spectrum information warfare” made by Rep. Nunes this morning. Ukraine was the first battleground in which “whole of country” approach to information warfare was employed: that is, denying its own citizens any information which does not fit narratives geared to profiles they will react to, and pounding them with those narratives over and over again in order, in the words of these brainwashers, “to control the psyche of the target.” As we have covered previously, National Defense Authorization Acts signed by President Obama resulted in the former ban on such propaganda activities against the U.S. population being lifted. That Ukrainian warfare method has now been turned against the American people because they elected Donald Trump.
The Impeachment:
Is Snow Black?
So, when you pull the Ukraine thread, you are endangering much of the crown jewels of the present Anglo-American intelligence community. That is why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrapped herself in the flag and said that she is the official representative of the intelligence community in the Congress, when she announced her apparently sudden decision to support impeachment. That is why she said, so directly, that the reason for impeachment was that this President thinks he can conduct his own foreign policy under Article II of the Constitution. Of course, Article II says the President conducts Foreign Policy with limited interventions by the Congress, something Pelosi and her friends have sought persistently to change.
Rudy Giuliani says that in the course of this investigation of Ukraine, he learned about Hunter Biden’s graft while Hunter’s father Joe Biden served as the Obama Administration’s point man on—guess what—the Ukraine regime-change operation and its aftermath. Giuliani has also portrayed this knowledge as messing up what he truly wants to investigate: the Ukrainian role in the coup against Trump.
As the result of Giuliani’s very public statements about his efforts to peel this onion, Sen. Chris Murphy told President Zelensky not to cooperate with Giuliani, lest aid to Ukraine cease. According to the whistleblower’s complaint, this threat was apparently echoed by members of the State Department. Previously, three Democratic Senators had threatened the Ukrainian government for alleged failures to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s witch hunt against the President. And we want to claim that an American President cannot explore this issue? That seems to be what is actually being said.
Fact 7. So, we had a President temporarily free to conduct his own foreign policy and we have a DOJ Inspector General’s report, about to drop, about the illegal surveillance conducted against the Presidential campaign of Donald Trump based on the bogus dossier of a British agent, Christopher Steele.
But as far as the actual enemies of the United States are concerned, it is imperative that Attorney General William Barr, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and, just as significantly, U.S. Attorney John Durham be drowned out ahead of the release of Horowitz’s report. It also is imperative that Durham be exposed to massive political heat in order to discredit Giuliani’s investigation. According to the DOJ, Durham has spoken with four former Ukrainian officials about what Giuliani found and is evaluating the information. In short, this impeachment push is a huge operation to convince the public that snow is black, ahead of what is about to be revealed about massive operations in 2016-2017 to conduct a coup against the incoming president of the United States.
Organize Against this Insurrection!
Fact 8. John Solomon, who has been reporting all of this, said the following on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program on Tuesday:
Here’s the most important thing: Joe Biden has staked out a very specific story now and with impeachment proceedings, that story is fair game to investigate. He says when he fired the Ukraine general prosecutor. . . . He did so solely because he believed that prosecutor was corrupt and not because that prosecutor was investigating his son’s company and making plans to interview Hunter Biden at the very moment he was fired. That’s his story, that has to hold up.
Solomon says that he has over 450 pages of documents that he is beginning to release, which show this story is a lie. The Hunter Biden case was open when Joe Biden got the prosecutor fired and official documents tell a very different story than the one put out by Joe Biden.
Fact 9. Michael T. Atkinson, Inspector General for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), who is handling the CIA whistleblower complaint against the President, previously worked for “coup central” at the Justice Department, National Security Division. This is where the 2016-2017 coup operations against the Trump Campaign were launched, during the time he worked there. This entire division of the DOJ was removed from the jurisdiction of DOJ Inspector General Horowitz by former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Yet, it is at the center of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuse, which Inspector General Horowitz is now investigating.
Fact 10. The “whistleblower” is a client of lawyers associated with Compass Inc., which put out widespread ads on billboards and in leaflets in Washington, D.C., that they would represent intelligence community leakers (whistleblowers) against Trump for purposes of impeachment and would financially support them while doing so. As Bill Binney noted, the complaint is almost entirely hearsay. It is composed of secondhand gossip and news clips, strung together by lawyers. Inspector General Atkinson is forced to admit that there is some evidence that the man identified by the New York Times as a CIA officer, is politically biased.
So, what do we do about this? Members of Congress, over the next two weeks, will return to their districts. I propose that we use those two weeks to organize the population against the insurrection which the House of Representatives is presently attempting. I propose that this attack is so obviously warranted that we will get a huge response. But, that response also has to be informed by LaRouche’s Four Laws given that the international system is about to blow. Whether the United States has a President Trump—clearly disposed to humanity’s survival—is, right now, a life and death issue. We can, successfully, turn the flank here. I also propose a rapid growth of LaRouche’s Committees of Correspondence over the next two weeks as the means to do so.