This editorial appears in the February 7, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Concentric Circles—
Wheels within Wheels
[Print version of this editorial]
Feb. 2—President Donald Trump has said that his State of the Union Address, on February 4, will be dedicated to optimism, as was his January 21 speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he confronted the “ecological” pessimism of the Green billionaires gathered there, counterposing Man’s intrinsic goodness and creativity as demonstrated in the European Renaissance and the building of the cupola of the Cathedral of Florence.
It is entirely possible that as the impeachment trial of the President collapses into humiliating rubble over the coming days, that the already historic levels of optimism among Americans, especially among workers and farmers, will surge to new heights. Already, their heightened optimism was illustrated by extraordinary figures showing that 25% of the crowds at the President’s recent mega-rallies have been Democrats, while 10-15% had not voted in any of the past four general elections.
This optimism does not win battles in and of itself, as we will explain, but it does provide an irreplaceable advantage to those who know how to make use of it.
At the same time, perceptive Americans have learned important negative lessons from the constant lying efforts to unseat President Trump, starting even before he took the oath of office three years ago. Namely, that the managerial elite, bridging the media, academia, government bureaucracies, and party politicians, is apparently totally corrupt. Whenever a new lie against the President is invented by The New York Times or another scandal-sheet, every one of them picks it up and spreads it within hours, or even minutes.
The same lesson is taught by the frequent refusal of even President Trump’s own nominees to carry out his orders, for instance to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan and to withdraw them from Syria. Whatever they do or say, the members of the managerial elite are not speaking for themselves as individuals—they are being told what to think by an outside agency—ultimately the British Empire, as Lyndon LaRouche proved over decades, and as the LaRouche Movement proved again in 2017 with the Mueller dossier.
Our question is, what do these circumstances mean for the effort to revolutionize and revive the U.S. and world economies?
Over many years, the late economist Lyndon LaRouche accurately forecast the collapse of the U.S. and Western European economies, in their successive steps downward after 1945, after 1971, 1989, 1998, 2008, and more recently. Each time he made such forecasts, he also specified in detail how the economy could be rebuilt and reorganized for a sharp upward trajectory. He called for reintroduction of Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall protections to hive off bankrupt speculative pyramids from the healthy, necessary parts of the banking system.
As in Alexander Hamilton’s design of the American System at our founding, the Federal Government would again become a major issuer of low-interest credit and provide indicative-planning direction of much private credit through participation loans. Low-interest Federal credit would be limited to productive uses and necessary services like actual healthcare, not poured into hedge-fund speculation as the Federal Reserve is doing every day. Investments would be geared to upshift the scientific-technological level of production. All this would be coupled with national crash programs of scientific-technological advancement, like the efforts towards the eventual colonization of Mars, and harnessing controlled thermonuclear fusion as a limitless and virtually free source of energy for mankind.
There is much more to learn, but that may provide some degree of introduction to LaRouche’s plan.
LaRouche’s plan will allow us to build modern infrastructure of all kinds, revolutionize our industries, rebuild our cities, and move the frontiers of man’s power beyond Earth orbit, and then beyond the Solar System.
LaRouche demonstrated how the United States, Russia, China and India could initiate a new international credit system along these principles, to replace the bankrupt International Monetary Fund system based on the bankrupt City of London and Wall Street markets. In early January, Lyndon LaRouche’s widow, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, called for an emergency summit of the Presidents of United States, Russia and China, to deal with the threat to peace after the U.S. killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. She stipulated that the summit should also arrange preliminary discussions for such a new, growth-oriented international credit system.
It is clear that just one year after his death, LaRouche’s ideas are closer to implementation than at almost any time in the past. In electing Donald Trump, and in probably supporting him more today than in 2016, a majority of Americans have trashed the economic dogmas of “free trade” and of supposedly inevitable “globalization.” They have voiced their conviction, contrary to the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, that the U.S.A. can again become a great agricultural and industrial producer nation, rather than a wrecked “post-industrial” services society. Yet at the same time, remember the obstructionism, sometimes even treason, of our managerial elite to which we referred above. How is that to be overcome sufficiently to permit the LaRouche recovery program?
The wave of optimism to which we pointed is one part of the answer. The American “can-do” spirit has been largely lost over recent decades; now, one can feel it beginning to come back, as it lawfully would. That provides an opportunity, but not yet the answer. To overcome the opposition of the now-entrenched elite, the LaRouche program must become the common knowledge of an organic leadership spread throughout all the key economic and geographic sections of the country. Radiating out from them, it must then come to be recognized and appreciated in a general way throughout society.
It is under those circumstances that some parts of the elite can be broken from their British Empire allegiances, while others will simply have to be fired for manifest disloyalty and incompetence. And the Four Powers can overturn the British Empire by bankrupting and replacing the present usurious international monetary system.
In general, the best context for this is clearly the campaign to re-elect President Trump: The spreading of the program from a few initial seed-crystals, to the next concentric circle of organic leaders, and then out into mass organization, will best be done by helping the Trump campaign to master the tools it needs to deliver what Donald Trump has promised, and what the American people want and need. As has been said, “Donald Trump Is a Builder—Give Him the Tools,” in the form of LaRouche’s program. (Although that is not to exclude other avenues of organizing.)
It is for this purpose, to spread the LaRouche program through concentric circles ultimately reaching almost everywhere, that the LaRouche movement is organizing “Committees of Correspondence” throughout the United States, to consist of organic leaders from various strata and foci of the population, to master the LaRouche program, and to conspire to achieve it, predominantly by bringing it out to the broadest publics, especially through the Donald Trump campaign.