This editorial appears in the October 30, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
Trump’s Crash Program for COVID Vaccine Is Being Sabotaged by Renegade Democratic ‘Health’ Establishment
Oct. 24—Thursday evening’s debate of the presidential candidates began on a hopeful note. The moderator, Kristen Welker, gave President Donald Trump “two and one-half minutes without interruption” to address the COVID-19 crisis. Trump opened with America’s scientific crash program, Operation Warp Speed, and its amazing progress in developing a vaccine to be available within weeks. Welker, as if allergic or immune to optimistic thought, immediately forgot her own instructions and interrupted: Would he “guarantee” the vaccine? And what vaccines? Trump said it was not a guaranteed matter, but it would be here by the end of the year. He emphasized that the military had made all the logistical arrangements for a rapid deployment. (Gen. Gustave Perna is the chief operating officer and logistical co-head of Operation Warp Speed, while Dr. Moncef Slaoui, chief advisor, is the scientific co-head.)
In contrast to Welker’s deaf response, Dr. Robert Wachter, the Chair of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco and a furious critic of the Trump Administration’s pandemic response, had an honest, if very reluctant response recorded in the Oct. 21 Washington Post and other media:
Going from where we were in January and February—where we are going to be hit by this tsunami—to very likely having a vaccine, or more than one vaccine, that is proven safe and effective within a year, is staggeringly impressive, and would only have happened with strong and effective federal action.
Wachter called the vaccine mobilization “nearly flawless,” although he told the Washington Post he found the words difficult to say.
Wachter’s response is honest. It contrasts with the deliberate sabotage of vaccine development attempted by politicized doctors who see totally unnecessary deaths as an acceptable collateral consequence of maintaining the total lie that President Trump is responsible for all deaths by COVID. These “doctors” have delayed vaccine deployment until after the November election amidst a totally predictable spike in virus infections, because of their personal hatred of Donald Trump. How many unnecessary deaths will ultimately result from this genocidal campaign against our nation’s infirm and elderly?
Pfizer began Phase 3 trials on July 27 and indicated on September 3 that it was on track to deliver excellent results no later than mid-October, that is, before the election. Egged on by New York Times and Washington Post warnings of a Trump “October Surprise,” one Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist at California’s Scripps Research Institute with a big Twitter following, swung into action. Topol has been the media’s go-to guy for months for “authoritative” medical objections to Trump’s program. His argument has been that, if it is fast—that is, a crash program—it is suspect; hence, no one need pay attention to the “emergency” part of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
In September, Topol led a campaign accusing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) head Stephen Hahn of being a tool of Trump in the push for a vaccine, and calling upon him to resign. He targeted and enlisted board members of Pfizer. This led to a series of phone calls between Topol and Hahn, which Topol describes as rather chummy: “I went from way negative to way positive.” He now calls Hahn a “friend,” who has had to withstand tremendous pressure from Trump and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar.
Hahn consented to a change in policy in mid-to-late September, whereby any vaccine EUA approval would be delayed for an extra two months after the successful assessment of the Phase 3 trial. Peter Marks, the man at FDA who must approve the vaccine, has been fully on board with this deadly scam. Andrew Cuomo, Kamala Harris, and others are leading the campaign against any vaccine for which Donald Trump could get credit. These are the conceits of the same oligarchs who cheered Obama’s death panels or who, like Michael Bloomberg, called for triage of the elderly completely out of medical treatment because “it will bankrupt us.”