This editorial appears in the November 13, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
A Declaration of Independence from the New British Empire:
Donald Trump Won the Election—Don’t Let Them Steal It
Nov. 9—The growing rallies and “Trump Train” car caravans now spreading across the United States, in protest of the attempted theft of the Presidential election, have profound motivations to which LaRouche PAC and EIR are contributing clarity and purpose.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the fetters by which an oligarchy has bound them, and to assume their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, a respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this action.
The elite oligarchy of the City of London banks and the British financial empire are now seeking to impose upon the United States their thoroughly plagiarized candidate, Joe Biden, as President. By doing so, they are continuing “a long train of abuses” destroying America’s industry, attacking its technological progress, maligning its scientific optimism and its missions in space, controlling its banks, and undermining its currency and credit in the world.
They have acquired control of American media by conglomerates based in the financial capitals of their Commonwealth or by their Anglophile partners in America. They have set cartels upon us to control our food and the very farmers who produce it.
They took away America’s Glass-Steagall Act, which regulated banking so as to provide our citizens and businesses with credit and which was an example to the world. Thus they visited us with a punishing financial crash which left us unemployed and unrecovered for a decade.
They have denied us a national bank, since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, to build our infrastructure and stimulate our industry. They long ago destroyed the gold-reserve monetary and credit system which President Roosevelt initiated at the end of World War II, and by which our economy grew vigorously, we became more productive, our industrial skills and our middle-class standards dramatically improved. We have suffered from their financial speculation ever since.
They have denigrated all countries’ efforts for human exploration of space, especially America’s. They have promoted to us energy technologies so backward that even the founders of the republic would not have used them in their day—solar cells which blink out in night and fog, and claptrap windmills which fail in storms and calms alike. They have compelled us to use our natural gas in powering turbines to support the faltering electric supply of these throwbacks.
They have caused to rise up among us Wall Street banks of monstrous size, which take in our money and refuse to lend it out, and strike us with repeated ruin by their uncontrolled speculation. They control our central bank, which always reimburses these monsters for their losses, but not us for ours.
These abuses now threaten all sovereign nations: A global combination of central banks is moving to seize complete control of currencies and credit, and use that control to reverse the technological advance of humanity—to sacrifice the human population to “save the planet.”
Our President Donald Trump, almost alone among leaders of nations, has consciously and completely rejected this dictatorship of central banks over their sovereign governments, and has removed the United States from the Paris Climate Accord which is a major weapon of it. That Accord of 2015 was planned by the British Royal heir Charles, Prince of Wales, and his close friends and collaborators—former British central banker Mark Carney and City of London/Wall Street billionaire Sir Mike Bloomberg.
Now Charles and these associates of his, pulling along the IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and other central bankers, have in June of this year declared this Green New Deal to be the “Great Reset” of all financial and monetary affairs. British government officials across the spectrum, to deceive citizens, have given it the name of “Build Back Better”—as if from the COVID-19 pandemic. They have dictated this slogan to their always plagiarizing, would-be President Joe Biden, who faithfully adopted it for his halting campaign.
We will seize our rights, nonetheless. We will take back our right to regulate our banks, to have national banks for productive credit. We will drive our missions of space exploration to the utmost. We will negotiate with other nations for a new international credit system that will leave London’s financial oligarchy out and will bring industrialization to underdeveloped regions of the globe. We will especially work with China and its Belt and Road Initiative, and with other leading nations, such as Russia and India, to bring about these international changes and work on urgently needed global infrastructure projects.
We see that the nations of Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Belarus, and others have all faced stolen elections, “color revolutions,” and outright coups like this in very recent years, and have defeated them; Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, is fighting an attempted color revolution against its President right now. We ask other nations to support a fair and lawful outcome to this American Presidential election, which President Trump has in fact, clearly won.