This editorial appears in the May 13, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
This Is Madness! Stop NATO
From Driving Us to Nuclear War!
May 9—The LaRouche movement is mobilizing citizens internationally to contact and pressure their parliamentary or congressional representatives to take immediate action to break the U.S./NATO drive for war with Russia, which could rapidly become a nuclear war and spell the end of civilization. The following sample letter began circulating on May 4 as a model for all citizens of good will, in all nations, to reach out to their political representatives.
Dear Representative:
Current U.S./NATO policy regarding Ukraine is headed to war with Russia and nuclear WWIII. Nothing involved in ostensible “defense of Ukraine” can justify the risk of wiping out the human race in a nuclear holocaust.
NATO’s expansion East for 30 years has reached a trigger point in Russia’s security concerns, much as Soviet efforts to place nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 threatened essential U.S. security concerns. Top officials in the U.S., UK, and NATO, including U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, openly state their determination is to “crush” Russia and its economy. Some, including members of the U.S. Senate, have called for preparing a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia. Elements in military planning circles increasingly argue the West can “win” a nuclear war.
This is sheer insanity.
I demand you end the escalation toward war with Russia, and initiate discussion of a new global security and development architecture, in the true interests of Ukraine, Russia, and all nations.
Reports have come in of U.S. members of Congress taking notice. A sin of omission in the face of possible nuclear annihilation is not a good idea.