This editorial appears in the September 23, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
London Ventriloquists Have Their Ukrainian Generals Call for a Preemptive Nuclear Strike on Russia
[Print version of this editorial]
Sept. 14—Over the last week, Global NATO has shifted into operational high gear in their plan for war and world dictatorship, in an effort to stop those countries and political forces internationally that are organizing to replace the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system with a just, new world economic order—and whose alternative is also now quickly becoming operational.
The shift occurred around the Sept. 8 meeting of NATO and allied countries at the U.S. Ramstein Air Base in Germany, the now-monthly meeting of the so-called Ukraine Defense Contact Group, whose purpose is to coordinate the war Global NATO is waging against Russia on Ukrainian territory. In preparation for that meeting, the chief of the Ukrainian armed forces Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhnyi co-authored an article published on the Ukrainian news site Ukrinform Sept. 7, which claimed that there were indications that Russia was preparing for a nuclear strike in Ukraine, and that it is therefore “extremely necessary … [that] any Russian attempts at practical steps in the use of tactical nuclear weapons must be preempted by employing the entire arsenal of means at the disposal of world powers.”
“Preempted by employing the entire arsenal of means”?!
Be clear: such an outrageously dangerous and provocative article could never have been written, let alone published, without the prior approval of the U.S., UK, and NATO forces running the war.
In fact, on Sept. 13 Kiev released a document specifying its security wish-list in the form of a “Kiev Security Compact,” drafted by a working group on security co-chaired by Ukraine’s Chief of the Presidential Office Andrii Yermak and former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The document demands NATO Article 5-type guarantees for Ukraine, meaning direct deployment of NATO’s full military might on Ukraine’s behalf, against Russia.
Russian former President and current Security Council Deputy Chair Dmitry Medvedev slammed the Kiev Security Compact as little more than a “prologue to a third world war.”
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today reiterated the warning she issued yesterday in an interview with Radio China International, that these developments “bring us really one step closer to world war…. I think people have to wake up: This present policy of confrontation against Russia, and by implication against China as well, is bringing the world very close to a possible world war.” She again stressed the import of the Sept. 12 statement by Russia’s Ambassador to Berlin Sergey Nechayev, that Germany’s decision to send advanced weapons to Ukraine “is a ‘red line’ that the German government … should not have crossed.”
All of this, on the eve of the Sept. 15-16 meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, which will pull together heads of state and government representing 40% of the world’s population—including China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, and many others. Their discussions will center on the current crisis as a “turning point” to bring into being a new security and development architecture for their region and the world, broadly centered on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative and its associated Global Development Initiative. This is more than evident to the Western financial establishment. Bloomberg yesterday published an annoyed article under the headline “Xi Returns to World Stage with Putin To Counter U.S. Dominance,” which grumbled that Xi will be “reemerging this week alongside Russia’s Vladimir Putin to showcase his vision for a viable alternative.”
That “viable alternative” is required in short order if the West’s current economic collapse and war drive are to be defused and defeated. But fortunately there is one at hand. The outspoken and highly respected Russian economist Sergei Glazyev hit the nail on the head in a video-message he sent to Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of her husband, Lyndon LaRouche:
This year progressive people around the world are observing the centenary of the birth of the brilliant thinker and, I wouldn’t hesitate to say, prophet of our time, Lyndon LaRouche…. If the leaders of the world’s nations had listened to the voice of Lyndon LaRouche, then perhaps we might have managed to avoid the social upheavals we confront today as a result of the collapse of the world financial and economic system…. If Lyndon LaRouche had been elected President, the world today would be developing in a stable fashion. There would not be the growing chaos, there would not be the worldwide wars and provocations.
May his memory live forever.