This editorial appears in the January 5, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
50 Years of EIR
The News Service of Ideas and
Their Consequences
Jan. 1—There have not been many, if any, years that began as tumultuously as the current one. As 2024 commences, we see wars across the globe, indescribable amounts of suffering and destruction, combined with dysfunctional governments and institutions at every turn. Despite how dramatic these events may seem, they are actually less significant than the much larger process which they betray: The coming to the end of the modern neocolonial world system. As EIR has pointed out since Lyndon LaRouche’s 1970s proposal of an International Development Bank as the core of a new, anti-colonialist system, this process is the actual play on the stage of history, despite most others’ failure to recognize this fact.
In this context we are pleased to announce that EIR will be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, a proud accomplishment in that EIR has consistently provided critical insight and clarity in an often-confusing world. It is more important now than ever that this outlook be heard, given the crisis we face today, and the importance that a top-down strategic vantage point be grasped by many. One indication of this shift is the growing acceptance of the name of Lyndon LaRouche. While his name was for a long time considered too dangerous to associate with, many who are now looking at the unfolding events in the world are coming to realize that LaRouche’s name was not only wrongly tarnished over the recent decades, but that his ideas and discoveries hold the key to resolving today’s crisis.
In this week’s issue, we present a stark contrast between the dying neocolonial paradigm and the alternative direction which the world could take. Whether in Ukraine-Russia, Gaza-Palestine-Israel, or the recent attempt to provoke a Venezuela-Guyana conflict, we counterpose to the path of endless imperial wars their solution-concept, namely peace and economic development. This takes a very concrete form in EIR’s recently published material on re-tooling the Military-Financial-Complex, and in Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call for “turning swords into plowshares,” an idea which was also recently enunciated by Pope Francis.
Even beyond this, however, is the distillation of the principle of the inherently anti-evil, goodness of human creativity, or the “sweetness of truth” as discussed by Nicholas of Cusa. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche raised this very powerfully in remarks to last week’s International Peace Coalition, as a razor’s edge to cut through to the real issues underlying a lasting peace and forgiveness.
Stay tuned for upcoming special coverage for EIR’s 50th year, an occasion happily enhanced by the recent launch of the new web-based location for EIR’s daily intelligence service, EIR News.
Consider these remarks made by Lyndon LaRouche to a conference with associates and activists in 1995, on the proper function of news reporting:
Is [history] something which we as individuals can shape—is this something we can affect? And here’s where the real thing comes: If we have the power to influence the course of history—as individuals—and the choice is between the doom of civilization and [a] recovery from the grip of this crisis, then each of us has a corresponding moral responsibility to muster within ourselves those capacities which enable us to do our part in shaping the course of civilization.
Now under that rubric, I say the question is: What kind of news is newsworthy? Because if what I’m saying is true—that you represent as an individual person, a force which can change the course of history under conditions of crisis—then what kind of news do you need? And [what] kind of news you need to do your job as an individual—first to understand what’s going on, what’s happening to the world—and to locate yourself in such a way that you can say, “well here’s what it is I can do in these circumstances….”
Then the only news that’s worth having is news which performs those functions; which enables government, which enables you as an individual and so forth, better to understand what is happening to this planet. To understand the developments that are shaping the course of history. And finally to indicate to you the facts which you need to look at so that you can judge what it is that you might be able to do which can contribute to bringing about a solution, an escape from the collapse of civilization.
It’s our belief that EIR fulfills this mandate better than any other news service on the planet, and we are pleased to have you working with us in our efforts to change the course of history.