This editorial appears in the July 26, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Nemesis: A ‘Council of Reason’ Against Adversity
[Print version of this editorial]
July 21—“Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete. There may have been a time when war served as a negative good by preventing the spread and growth of an evil force, but the very destructive power of modern weapons of warfare eliminates even the possibility that war may any longer serve as a negative good. And so, if we assume that life is worth living, if we assume that mankind has a right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war….”
The War Party has not had the week that it had planned. From the standpoint of the Olympian “masters of the universe,” things are not going as they “should”; 2024 is on its way to equaling and then eclipsing the year 1968 in world politics, both in its disruptive turbulence, and in its potentially revolutionary character. Will we successfully reverse the world-class tragedy of 1968, more than a half-century later, finally, now? As with that year, what would happen in the remaining weeks and months was “unpredictable” to most. What can be said with certainty, however, is that the impact of this year’s actions—and omissions—will echo through the ensuing decades, just as the year 1968 has done, even up to now, with the son of one of that year’s assassinated, running right now for the same position his father sought.
From the close, but failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, to the reluctant, angry abdication by Joe Biden of his addled Presidential run, whatever arrangements NATO members thought they had painstakingly cobbled together for perpetual war last week with the knuckle-draggers in Washington, have now all been thrown into question. A meme was circulating immediately following Sunday’s announcement that Biden would not run, which captures the “Zeitgeist.” It showed apocryphal text messages being sent to Biden’s phone from Ukraine’s Zelensky. First message: “Plz answer!!!!” Second Message: “I’m scared.” Third Message: “My money still coming, right?” The fourth message only shows 52 missed calls, from Zelensky to Biden in a space of 45 minutes.
But what should we do, those of us who believe that mankind was “born for that which is better”? Helga Zepp-LaRouche has suggested that a Council of Reason be formed in the trans-Atlantic world, as an unofficial, but effective interlocutor with the nations of the Global Majority. “Colonialism is over!” is the happy outlook that informs the thinking of billions on the planet. Ending an emerging Third World War—now being fought on two fronts, Southwest Asia and Ukraine, soon to be extended to Iran, and then Taiwan, if the madmen and assassins of NATO should get their way—is the immediate “item on the agenda” for humanity, including for the American Presidential elections. That must be our singular orientation.
This does not mean that we will ignore the physical-economic realities of what must be done worldwide. To the contrary, we recognize that the collapsed state of the economies of the trans-Atlantic sector, and the hopeless, unpayable indebtedness of the “global casino,” which is the “zombie dollar” world-monetarist system, is the driving force for war. Advanced technological and economic development cannot be separated from the “political solution” in any war theater, in fact. The Oasis Plan originally proposed by Lyndon LaRouche for Israel, Palestine, and all of Southwest Asia, is now, under present conditions, a virtual template for the content of nearly all forms of negotiations that should be conducted involving the United States and the Global Majority.
This is a central strategic point. Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin made clear in their Joint Statement of February 4, 2022:
The sides oppose further enlargement of NATO and call on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds, and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other States.
In another crucial segment of that statement, they declared,
The sides call on the international community to create open, equal, fair and non-discriminatory conditions for scientific and technological development, to step up practical implementation of scientific and technological advances in order to identify new drivers of economic growth.
Once upon a time, during the Presidency of John F. Kennedy, or that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms, these would have been sentiments followed by concrete actions, which the American Presidency would have been proud to declare and to export. These would have been the actions that the nations of the world would have welcomed, and would now welcome from the United States. We cannot wait for any of the current Presidential candidates to decide that they will walk in those shoes. In lieu of that, we must act.
On Monday night, July 22, New York’s Independent U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare and Bronx Congressional candidate Jose Vega, in the name, not only of that nearly-lost outlook of the American Presidency, but also of the international Council of Reason proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, will assemble those free-thinking Americans who believe that they—not a politician, or billionaire, or judge—are the final authority, and the first cause, of self-government. Such a process will make the War Party, and its derivative International Assassination Bureau, even more unhappy in the future than they are today.