This editorial appears in the September 20, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Where Is the Verbal Action To Be Found?
[Print version of this editorial]
Sept. 15—In struggling to make sense of a whirlwind of a week that included open efforts by London and Washington to unleash nuclear war against Russia, and culminated on Sunday afternoon with the second attempted assassination of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump in two months, it is essential to step back and get some help from Lyndon LaRouche.
In a lengthy strategic study published in EIR magazine on Aug. 18, 1981, titled “The Function of Teaching of Grammar as a Crucial Element of Military Policy,” Lyndon LaRouche explained that the physical as well as the political universe cannot be understood as a concatenation of “things” or “events”; which in fact only exist as the subject of Man’s action to transform them.
“The lawful ordering of the universe is found in the transformations of verbal action in literate languages,” LaRouche stated. “Any statement corresponding to the real universe’s ordering, given in literate form of language, is a statement of transformation, accounting for a transformation from n degrees of freedom either into a condition of n+m or into n−m degrees of freedom.... In literate language this act of integration to define a higher species of reality is located in the transformation associated with the principle of verbal action.”
Where, then, is the verbal action to be found? Consider what happened on a single day, Friday the 13th of September.
On Friday, the International Peace Coalition held its 67th weekly meeting; considered a deeply disturbing presentation by MIT Professor Emeritus Ted Postol on what will happen “If Nuclear Bombs Drop on Germany”; and rallied to Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call to elevate our emotions to the level of reason, as Friedrich Schiller called for, to mobilize the passion needed to stop the danger of nuclear war and create a new security and development architecture based on Man’s essential goodness.
• On Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met at the White House to coordinate plans to launch NATO long-range, high-precision missiles deep into Russian territory, despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s warning the day before that this would mean that NATO had declared war on Russia—with all that implies.
• On Friday, the U.S. State Department issued a Fact Sheet with directives sanctioning RT and other Russian news agencies and individuals, and anyone who works with them in any fashion. This is, in effect, a declaration of all-out war against freedom of the press, and the muzzling of any speech or thought that doesn’t match the war mobilization against Russia.
• And also on Friday, presidential candidate Donald Trump, former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and independent congressional candidate Dennis Kucinich all issued forceful public denunciations of the Biden administration’s demented policies of provoking a nuclear war with Russia.
That was Friday the 13th.
• On Sunday, Sept. 15th, there was an attempted assassination of Trump, the details of which are still emerging as of this writing.
• And on Sunday the 15th, the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus held a beautiful classical concert, “9/11 Memorial Concert: Restoring the Classical Tradition in America,” available for you to watch here. As the Chorus website explains: “When modern society slips its moorings, classical music brings it back to the foundations of reason and beauty.”