This editorial appears in the October 11, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this editorial]
Investigate Assassination Attempt on Lyndon LaRouche, Oct. 6, 1986,
To Change This Most Dangerous Moment in World History
Oct. 6—We are republishing in this issue of EIR the article written by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. on March 2, 2004, titled “‘Convict Him or Kill Him!’ The Night They Came To Kill Me,” which places the two efforts to assassinate LaRouche (the first in 1973, and the second on Oct. 6, 1986, 38 years ago) at the center of the historical effort by British intelligence to destroy any potential that the United States would return to its historic role as a true republic, based on technology and development for all nations to end colonialism, once and for all.
Assassinations are very much in the air and on people’s minds today: Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump returned to the scene of the Butler, Pennsylvania, assassination attempt against him on Oct. 5, in the wake of attempt number two in Florida. Recently released from prison WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange revealed in his Oct. 1 testimony before PACE (the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) in Strasbourg, France that, in 2017, besides his being confined illegally in England for the crime of being a journalist, CIA then-director Mike Pompeo plotted his assassination while he had sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London—an action taken clearly in league with British intelligence. The ostensible leaders of the U.S. and the UK are proudly and loudly praising Israeli Prime Minister ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu’s numerous bloody assassinations of Palestinian political leaders in Iran and Lebanon, while the mainstream media have become cheerleaders for these assassinations as well as for the ongoing Israeli genocide against Palestinians.
The Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review have argued, repeatedly, that the primary force behind the drive for global war—even nuclear war—is the onrushing collapse of the Western financial system. As the physical economies of Germany, the UK, the U.S., and most of Europe break down, they are propped up only through a magic trick—the unprecedented printing of new debt, both for predatory wars, and for the bailout of the leading banks of Wall Street and the City of London. Reading LaRouche’s 2004 article, it is striking to see that he identified the cause of the attempts on his life as originating from his economic forecast, that President Richard Nixon’s 1971 takedown of the Bretton Woods gold-reserve-based monetary system assured that not only a depression, but a physical-economic breakdown crisis would result, even leading to an ecological holocaust, if that disastrous decision were not reversed. The attempt to eliminate LaRouche from politics and from international diplomacy was intended to silence that voice, and that warning. We are now seeing the consequences of the fact that LaRouche’s warnings were not heeded, regarding either the economic breakdown or the onrushing danger of nuclear war.
It is not too late to change the course of this historical suicide. The proposals put forth by LaRouche are now influencing the emergence of a new world paradigm including the majority of the world’s nations, with leadership from the now-expanding number of nations in the BRICS. The exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche, even at this late date, would bring this issue to the fore in the nations of the West, providing the basis for a new cooperation of all nations and the creation of a new Renaissance for Mankind.