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This editorial appears in the January 31, 2025 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.



Is There a Democrat in the Senate with Half the Integrity of Frank Church?

[Print version of this editorial]

Jan. 27—Mrs. Sare released a call for a new Church Committee today, and her message, which follows below, to members of the United States Senate to act to ensure the confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence and Kash Patel for Director of the FBI, is being circulated widely, digitally and in hard copy, in the days leading up to confirmation hearings now scheduled for Jan. 30.

Fifty years ago today, the United States Senate voted overwhelmingly to establish the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, known as the Church Committee, chaired by Idaho Democratic Senator Frank Church.

It was a turbulent period, following the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his younger brother Robert, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Vietnam War and the opposition to it. President Nixon had been forced out by “Watergate.” It had come to light that various U.S. government agencies had been involved in some rather unsavory and unconstitutional activities, both abroad and against American citizens at home, and members of the Senate, led by prominent Democrats—unlike the Democratic Party leadership of today—decided that an investigation was warranted.

Today, any Democrat who treasures his or her fidelity to such noble ideals, will act to ensure the confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel.

The opposition to the investigation then, as revealed in a 2015 report published by the National Security Archive at George Washington University, was led by none other than future U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney (father of former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY)), who was an advisor to President Gerald Ford at the time. He, along with Donald Rumsfeld (Ford’s White House Chief of Staff), Henry Kissinger (U.S. National Security Advisor and U.S. Secretary of State for both Nixon and Ford), and then-CIA Director William Colby, did all they could to “blunt” the investigation, believing it would impede the ability of the agencies to continue their clandestine operations (i.e., crimes).

Despite Cheney’s efforts, The Church Committee uncovered horrific abuses by federal agencies, including involvement in assassinations abroad, and unspeakable crimes against Americans at home, such as drugging and torturing unwitting college students in supposed “mind control” experimentation under operation MK-ULTRA, and COINTELPRO’s collection of massive amounts of data on individuals involved in civil rights, anti-war, or organized labor activities, in order to destroy their organizations and personal lives—just to name a few.

Sadly, it has become obvious to the people of the United States that these nefarious clandestine activities, so harmful to our lives and the lives of billions of others on this planet, have not ended, but have become standard operating procedure. We wonder whether justice will ever be served, and whether Truth and Justice are welcome under our beautiful Capitol Dome.

Since the publication of “The Liars’ Bureau” report, released by The LaRouche Organization last week, President Trump has signed an Executive Order mandating the long-awaited release of the files on the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. The Director of National Intelligence is to preside over this process.

President Trump has nominated Lt. Col. and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard for this job. The fact that she has been under constant slanderous attack from some of Dick Cheney’s greatest supporters in the Democratic Party, like former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaks highly of her integrity.

Similarly, Trump’s choice for FBI Director Kash Patel has come under attack from those who simply cannot admit that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate for the presidency, whose corruption was revealed by leaked emails showing that she was stealing the Democratic Party nomination from Senator Bernie Sanders. Clinton, and Patel’s opponents today, would prefer to blame Russia for hacking the Democratic National Committee’s servers to release the emails—a claim which has been repeatedly disproven—to distract from the real evidence of the corruption of the Democratic Party.

Exposing the crimes committed by Federal agencies and prosecuting the people involved in committing them is not what causes people to lose faith in the government. It is the crimes themselves which have led to the immense distrust felt by “We the People” for you, who are supposed to represent us.

On behalf of The LaRouche Organization, let me put it directly: We don’t trust you. We, the American People, do not trust you, Senators; and we think you should seek to earn our trust by acting to clean up the criminal enterprise that our government has become. We know you are getting rich by funding wars overseas, killing people over there, while people die over here because we can’t even afford to build modern infrastructure. It is a shame! Stop being shameful and confirm Gabbard and Patel, who have demonstrated in numerous instances a willingness to look behind the official narrative and tell the truth, even when powerful people don’t want it known. Their relative youth, rather than being a hindrance, is an advantage in their proposed posts of Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They will come in with fresh eyes, not jaded or already corrupted by years of accommodating to lies, as too many in Washington are.

The American people are tired of being lied to. Gabbard and Patel would be a welcome change. Senators, earn our trust!

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