Wayne County, Michigan:
Save Auto, Machine Tools
The Wayne County Commission, which represents a county of 2 million, including the city of Detroit, passed a resolution June 1 calling on Congress to "take every possible action to promote and diversify the automotive and machine tool sectors of our national economy." The resolution, which passed by a 13 to 0 vote, with one abstention, was introduced by Commissioner Philip Cavanagh, who had attended an April 9 meeting with Lyndon LaRouche in Northern Virginia, to discuss saving GM and the auto industry.Representatives of LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche Youth Movement gave short presentations in favor of the resolution.
Resolution No. 2005—By Commissioner Philip Cavanagh
Whereas, an increasing number and variety of relevant specialists are warning that the collapse of the national economy could occur if certain stop-gap and long-term actions are not adopted and implemented to forestall the threats to our economy from the problems associated with the automotive and machine tool sectors of our economy. The loss of the physical capabilities of the automotive industry, and especially its machine tool sector, could mean the end of America's leadership as a world economic power; andWhereas, it is in the best interests of our national homeland security to have a strong and vibrant manufacturing and industrial sector, capable of producing the necessary machinery and technology to defend the citizens of the United States and protect our interests abroad, but sadly our manufacturing and industrial sector has been experiencing a dramatic reduction in capacity and production over the last several decades; and
Whereas, government has an obligation to promote economic activity through the creation of new capital investment, which will result in the expansion of employment opportunities and help jump-start long-term capital investment by private investors. As government leaders, we must ensure the continued viability of our automotive and machine tool industries, which creates the bedrock of Michigan and America's economy. The loss of these vital economic anchors would be a disaster with incalculable chain-reaction consequences for our nation and the world; and
Whereas, one of the key options is Federal capital investment in diversification of the productive potential of the automotive and machine tool industries into a broader mixture of production. Our nation needs to shift into the domain of essential capital goods and economic infrastructure, such as the repair, expansion, and improvement of our national railway systems; maintenance and improvement of water management systems; and the development of other urgently needed infrastructure projects. The result of this will be to save existing manufacturing jobs and create large new areas of employment in infrastructure and manufacturing for our citizenry in a manner comparable to the best of the New Deal programs that rescued the nation and the world from the ravages of the Great Depression;
Now therefore be it
Resolved, by the Wayne County Commission on this 1st day of June 2005, that it go on record that we urge the Congress of the United States to take every possible action to promote and diversify the automotive and machine tool sectors of our national economy; and be it furtherResolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, Congressman John Dingell, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Carl Levin, and President George W. Bush.
Letter of Support Circulating
A letter of support for the Wayne County Resolution has been signed, so far, by Robert Cebina, President UAW Local 723, Monroe; Hugh McDonald, President, Dearborn Democratic Club; John Clark, President UAW Local 2031, Adrian; David Campbell, Secretary-Treasurer, American Postal Workers Union, 48041 Area Local, Allen Park; and Eugene Morey, President UAW Local 849, Ypsilanti.The letter reads, in part:
We the undersigned wish to thank Wayne County Commissioner Phil Cavanagh for his sponsorship of Resolution 2005. Many of our constituents either live or work in Wayne County, and are vitally affected by the crisis now gripping the county and the state due to the deteriorating status of the domestic auto industry. Our livelihoods are very much at stake.
We know that elected officials and others are beginning to take note of the unnecessary and rapid collapse of the auto industry and its related parts suppliers. There are resolutions similar to that of Mr. Cavanagh in other state legislatures and city councils.... Economist Lyndon LaRouche has also issued a memorandum to the U.S. Senate, calling upon that body to intervene to save the auto industry.
It is now time for the Congress to not merely take note, but to act in a spirit of bipartisan collaboration to save this vital American industry. In the great depression of the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt initiated a New Deal for all Americans that put people to work in infrastructure and manufacturing, and rescued our nation from the grips of that crisis. We support Mr. Cavanagh's resolution and urge the other commissioners to do the same. Thank you.