Resolution on the Impeachment of Vice-President Cheney
Whereas, President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard B. Cheney have consistently and knowingly rejected the will of the people of the United States of America, who expressed their voice in the mid-term Congressional elections of November 7th, 2006. At the command of Vice-President Cheney, President Bush chose to veto (only his second veto in six years as President) the Supplemental Appropriations Bill, in which that new Congress calls for a timetable on Iraq troop withdrawal, demonstrating his commitment to a failed war, and to his "surge" policy of escalation;
Whereas, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney in H.R. 333, calling for impeachment based on "high crimes and misdemeanors", for (1) deceiving the people and Congress of the U.S. about alleged Iraqi WMD; (2) deceiving the people and Congress of the U.S. about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda; and (3) openly threatening aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real threat to the United States;
Whereas, over 90 cities across the United States, have passed resolutions supporting the Impeachment of Vice President Cheney, including one by unanimous vote in the Detroit City Council on May 16th, 2007, as well as a resolution supporting impeachment of Dick Cheney from the California State Democratic Convention on May 1, 2007;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Massachusetts State Democratic Party calls on our party leadership, our party's presidential pre-candidates, and our United States Congress, to support Rep. Kucinich's call for the immediate impeachment and removal from office of Vice President Richard B. Cheney. We ardently hope that this resolution becomes the policy of the national Democratic Party; and that our party focus on the issues that our esteemed Governor Deval Patrick called attention to, in a recent speech, stating that "rising mortgage foreclosures is not okay, collapsing infrastructure is not okay, rising violence in neighborhoods is not okay" and to deal with these crises, we as a party must be bold, as bold as Franklin Roosevelt: "FDR's approach saved the Country...Democrats can save the Commonwealth and the Nation again."