LaRouche Responds to 'Scurrilous Letter'
From DNC Chairman Donald Fowler
The following statement was issued from Leesburg, Va. by Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., on Jan. 5.
I am in receipt of a two-page, scurrilous letter, which presents itself as a policy statement, from Democratic National Committee Chairperson Donald L. Fowler, to each and all "Democratic State Party Chairs."
The purpose of the letter is stated within the third of the letter's five paragraphs. The signator, ostensibly Fowler, states that "Lyndon Larouche is not a bona fide Democrat.... This determination is based on Mr. Larouche's expressed political beliefs, including beliefs which are explicitly racist and anti-Semitic...." (sic).
On this account, either Mr. Fowler, or whoever issued this letter in his name, is purely and simply a liar.
I am not obliged to speculate on the motives of whoever caused that letter to be put into circulation. However, since I have been an active Democratic Party campaigner during more than 15 years, and have campaigned for the Party's nomination five times, such an obviously hysterical document now, suggests that someone is terribly afraid of the extent of estimated potential support for my candidacy at this time. Since Mr. Clinton's reelection is virtually inevitable, and since I am committed to support his reelection after the August convention, one may ask: whether the authorship of the scurrilous letter either wrote in a deranged state of mind, or is operating under the influence of some secret agenda?