Lyndon LaRouche Receives 162,000 Votes in California
LEESBURG, Va., March 27, 1996--Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. continued to receive a substantial vote in the Democratic Party Presidential primary elections on Tuesday, March 26, receiving 7% of the vote in the California primary in a two-way race with President Clinton. With 100% of the precincts reporting, LaRouche received 162,656 votes out of a total of 2,338,843 votes cast in the Democratic primary, which amounts to 6.954% of the vote.
LaRouche received over 9% in 14 of the state's 52 congressional districts and over 10% in 8 of the 14. In the 2nd C.D. he received 11.2%, in the 3rd C.D. 10%, in the 19th C.D. 10.4%, in the 21st C.D. 12.6%, in the 25th C.D. 11.3%, in the 39th C.D. 10%, in the 40th C.D. 11.3% and in the 52nd C.D. 10%.
Prior to the primary election in California, the LaRouche Exploratory Committee had distributed 1,884,300 copies of a pamphlet entitled, ``Summary of Relevant Evidence on the Record Demonstrating the Innocence of Lyndon LaRouche and Co-Defendants,'' thoughout the state of California.
LaRouche's vote was 8 times that received in the state by the much-touted Green Party candidate Ralph Nader and approximately the same as Republican candidate Steve Forbes, both of whom have received massive coverage in the state and national news media, in contrast to the LaRouche candidacy, which has been systematically blacked out.
LaRouche's 162,656 votes in California exceed his previous highs of 63,677 in Ohio and 46,392 in Oklahoma. The candidate has now received approximately 370,000 votes in the Democratic primaries.
LaRouche's most significant vote totals thus far are as follows: Delaware 9.6%; North Dakota 34.5%; Colorado 11.1%; Louisiana 11.69%; Oklahoma 12.65%; Mississippi 7.6%; Ohio 8.25% and now California 7%.
In the state of California, the LaRouche vote was reported to have been far greater throughout election night by the Secretary of State. The LaRouche campaign intends to investigate the circumstances surrounding a significant drop both in the total votes and in the percentage of the vote he was receiving, which drop occurred some time after midnight PST.
Throughout the evening, LaRouche was reported to be receiving as much as 11% of the vote and as many as eight delegates. For example, the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday morning reported that with 50% of the precincts reporting, LaRouche received 11% of the vote.
At midnight on March 26, the printout produced in Sacramento by the Secretary of State's office reported that with 50.6% of precincts reporting, LaRouche was receiving 10.6% with 139,000 votes. As late as 1:15 A.M., the printouts produced by the Secretary of State's office reported that LaRouche was receiving as many as 8 delegates from the 43rd C.D. in Riverside and the 8th C.D. in San Francisco.
At 1:15 A.M., with 92% of the precincts reporting in the 43rd C.D., LaRouche had 18,000 votes or 61.6% and President Clinton 11,500 votes or 38.4%. However, at 2:05 A.M., with 100% reporting, the vote in the 43rd was 29,697 for Clinton, or 92.2%, and LaRouche 2,525 votes for 7.8%.
Statewide, with 86% of the precincts reporting, LaRouche had 9.6% of the vote and 193,000 votes. However at 2:05 with 95% of the precincts reporting. President Clinton was given 2,027,000 for 9l.5% and 358 delegates. LaRouche was given 190,277 votes with 8.5% of the vote and 5 delegates from the 8th San Francisco. When all of the precincts had reported, the totals for LaRouche had dropped to 7% with only 162,000 votes statewide.
In the 8th C.D., at midnight, with 58% of the vote counted, LaRouche was receiving 31,000 votes or 68.6% and Clinton 16,100 votes, or 31.4%. There were no updates on the 8th C.D. after midnight from the Secretary of State's office. When the final results were reported with 100% of the precincts reporting, President Clinton received 75,377 votes or 97.5% and LaRouche only 1,977 votes or 2.5% in the 8th C.D..
The disappearance of the vote for LaRouche in both the 43rd and 8th C.D.s, thus the loss of delegates and the reduction of the percentage of the vote received to below 10% statewide, reflects a pattern which conforms to the orders given by Democratic National Chairman Donald Fowler to prevent Lyndon LaRouche from getting any delegates to the National Democratic Convention.
LaRouche's campaign committee is purchasing its third nationwide 30-minute television ad, which the candidate will use to speak on foreign policy issues, on April 18 at 9:30 P.M. Eastern and Pacific times (8:30 P.M. Central and Mountain times) on the CBS network.