LaRouche Democrats Launch Operation 'Never Again'
LEESBURG, May 15 -- "The British-instigated genocide by Yoweri 'Hitler' Museveni in Central Africa must be stopped," said Nancy Spannaus, executive director of the FDR-PAC, the political action committee headed by Lyndon LaRouche, in a statement released today. "We say, 'Never Again,' and we are going to put every conceivable institution on the line on this issue, until they do also."
"The Clinton Administration is moving in the right direction on this issue," Spannaus continued. "Their eyes have been opened on the nature of Museveni, and his genocidalist frontman Laurent Kabila, but they have to draw a firmer line. There are still pro-British elements advising the administration, people like Susan Rice of the NSC Africa desk, Bush administration Africa holdover George Moose, and so-called relief specialist Roger Winter, director of the U.S. Committee on Refugees. These people have been caught repeatedly apologizing for the Hitlerian genocide of Museveni, and his puppet Kabila."
"The crimes of genocide being carried out by Kabila against Rwandan, Burundian, and Zairean refugees -- 1 million in all -- are now irrefutable, and precisely of the order of those carried out by Hitler. Kabila's sponsor, Ugandan President Museveni, has been reported in the Ugandan paper {The Shariat,} as bragging that he is following in Hitler's footsteps. Quoting Museveni's speech at the East African Law Society General Assembly April 4, reporter Elizabeth Tusubira reported Museveni's justifying his war of murderous conquest with the Hitler model: 'As Hitler did to bring together Germany, we should also do it here. Hitler was a smart guy, but I think he went a bit too far by wanting to conquer the whole world.' "
Spannaus urged Democrats, and all people of good will, to educate themselves on the truth about the events in the Great Lakes region of Africa, and to join the mobilization for a total rejection of the Hitler-like Museveni, Kabila, and their colleagues Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Pierre Buyoya of Burundi, and an urgent rescue mission to save the lives of the refugees, mostly women and children, who have not yet been killed.
FDR-PAC has sponsored two policy forums on Africa, and has videotapes available of these events. It is also encouraging citizens to write to President Clinton for emergency action against the new holocaust in Africa.
"Our morality is being tested again," said Spannaus. "It's time Americans said 'Never Again,' and mean it, by ending the genocide, and the coverup for it, in Africa."
For more information, or tapes, call 703-777-9451, or write to FDR-PAC, Box 6157, Leesburg, Va. 20178.