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Schiller Institute Releases Emergency Appeal to President Clinton:
Convoke a New Bretton Woods Conference
WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16--The Schiller Institute today released the text and endorsements of an urgent appeal to President Clinton, urging him to convoke a new international Bretton Woods conference, to begin to solve the escalating global economic and financial crisis. "The world economy, with the exception of China, is faced with an accelerating collapse of industrial capacity and skyrocketing of unemployment worldwide, which has led to a political mass-strike process, shaking the foundations of many governments and social institutions around the world," the appeal begins. Referencing the development of a Eurasian Land-Bridge and similar infrastructure and economic programs for Africa, Australia, and the Americas, as the basis for bringing peace and stability to the world, it concludes, "We appeal to you with the utmost urgency to take the necessary steps, so that your Presidency does not mark the beginning of a new dark age, but that of a new golden era of mankind."
The appeal has been signed by hundreds of world leaders, including Gen. (ret.) Joao Baptista Figueiredo, former President of Brazil (1979-1985), Godfrey Binaisa, former President of Uganda (1979-1980), and Dr. Jozef Miklosko, former Vice Prime Minister of post-communist Czechoslovakia. The text of the appeal and list of leading endorsers will appear in the April 18 issue of the weekly Executive Intelligence Review magazine and the April 21 issue of the weekly New Federalist newspaper.
The appeal was adopted by acclamation at the Presidents' Day conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees, meeting in Reston, Va. on Feb. 15-17, 1997. The first two signers of the call are Helga Zepp LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute internationally, and Ukrainian economist Natalya Vitrenko, member of the Supreme Rada (Parliament), who read the appeal before the Supreme Rada and circulated it for endorsement there by 53 Ukrainian Members of Parliament.
Other endorsers of the appeal include:
United States: 9 former U.S. Congressmen; 163 current and former state representatives from 32 states; dozens of city and county council members from across America; trade union, civil rights, and religious leaders.
Canada: Numerous government, labor, religious and human rights leaders.
Europe: 70 current and former members of parliament from eight nations, including Russia, Poland, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, and Croatia; dozens of economists and scientists from Europe's leading academic institutions; German and Polish trade union leaders; and leaders of human rights organizations from several Eastern European nations.
Ibero-America: In addition to former Brazilian President Gen. (ret.) Joao Baptista Figueiredo, 29 current and former members of Congress, from ten nations, have signed the appeal, including representatives from Argentina, Bermuda, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Tobago, and Venezuela.
From Africa, Asia, and Australia: In addition to former Ugandan President Godfrey Binaisa, dozens of current and former government officials and members of parliament, as well as trade union, religious and human rights leaders, have endorsed the appeal from Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Republic of South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Zaire, Pakistan, Jordan, Australia, and New Zealand. From the embattled nation of Sudan alone, 20 current Members of Parliament endorsed the appeal. For copies of the full text of the appeal and signers, write or call the Schiller Institute.
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