Council on Foreign Relations
Plans for Near-Term Financial Meltdown
July 25, 2000 (EIRNS)—In the July 28, 2000 issue of the weekly Executive Intelligence Review, economics writer Richard Freeman exposes the New York Council on Foreign Relations' "simulation" of a July 2000 global financial meltdown. For two days, in New York City, scenario planners for the CFR and Royal Dutch Shell briefed 250 bankers, corporate officials, and policymakers from the United States and Europe, on a recent game-simulation of the financial crash, to test how top Wall St. and London managers would attempt to deal with it. Their "solution" involved a policy of hyperinflation of money supplies--i.e., still more of the same policy that has miserably failed so far--but the scenario also extended to removing some of the powers of the President of the United States.
Responding to questions from EIR, chief scenario planner Peter Schwartz revealed in detail the desperate, genocial mind-set currently shared by these banking policy circles. Schwartz believes, and told the assembled bankers, that they should hope that AIDS/HIV rapidly kills off large portions of the African and other Third World populations, just as occurred with the Black Death in Europe and elsewhere during the 14th century in the wake of the collapse of the Bardi and Peruzzi banks.
The five-page exposé includes an exclusive interview with Schwartz, and is accompanied by an analysis of a brawl over the same crisis and the same policy views, currently wracking the World Bank.