New LaRouche Economics Book Released

The book contains four recent writings by LaRouche, all of which have direct application to what nations and peoples must do after the crash of the financial system. They are:
- People First!
(October 4, 1998)
- On a Basket of Hard Commodities:
Trade Without Currency
(July 18, 2000)
- Reality vs. Fiction:
The Collapse of the U.S. Economy Over the Last 30 Years
(September 2, 2000)
- New Accounting Standards Are Imperative:
The Becoming Death of Systems Analysis
(March 2, 2000)
In addition, the book contains a 24-page section of charts, demonstrating the collapse of the physical economy, as well as an appendix on the Ad Hoc Committee for LaRouche's New Bretton Woods, with a sampling of prominent international signators.
The book may be ordered for $10, plus shipping and handling, under order number EIRBK 2000-2. Ordering: by phone, call 1-571-293-0935; by Internet, visit the LaRouche Publications Store.