What's Gone Rotten in Australia?
June 15, 2001 (EIRNS)—The following statement was issued today by Executive Intelligence Review. [See also "Aussie Establishment Wild Against LaRouche," in EIR's June 22, 2001 issue.]
Beginning with a piece in the Brisbane Courier Mail on June 8, 2001, and continuing almost daily through June 13, press organs in the nation of Australia controlled by Commonwealth media baron Rupert Murdoch, have emitted a constant barrage of lying filth against U.S. physical economist and Y2004 Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Said a spokesman for Executive Intelligence Review, the international newsweekly founded by Mr. LaRouche, "Murdoch is lying, and he knows it. Virtually everything run in his mass-circulation press over the past few days, such as the Courier Mail or the Herald Sun, or his Channel 7 Today Tonight TV show, has been taken—in most cases almost verbatim—from libels circulated by the Anti-Defamation Commission of B'nai B'rith (ADC). The ADC, in turn, is a de facto arm of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Privy Council, sporting, as it does, three members of the Privy Council on its board."
The EIR spokesman continued, "Everything which has appeared in the Murdoch-circulated libels—everything—was utterly demolished in two recent writings by Mr. LaRouche: his Jan. 27, 2001 piece, 'Look At What Happened in Brazil,' which addressed the almost simultaneous attacks against him in Brazil and Australia by agencies acting on behalf of the British Crown (respectively, the World Wide Fund for Nature, founded by Prince Philip, and the ADC); and his May 1, 2001 'A New Old Libel Against Me,' in which he ripped apart an ADC-authored report of February 2001, which, he observed in passing, was composed of 'only time-wearied libels which have been exposed, repeatedly, widely, and amply as fraudulent, many years earlier.' Both of these pieces have been widely circulated in Australia, so there is no way that Murdoch would not be aware of their contents, and therefore not know that he was lying.
"In the first of these, Mr. LaRouche noted that the attacks coincided with the inauguration of the fawningly pro-royal George W. Bush, whose father Sir George Bush, had been knighted for his service to the Crown. Now, however, the international strategic environment is shifting, in large part due to LaRouche's own role in creating an increasingly effective international anti-Bush coalition, including within the U.S. Congress. LaRouche's influence is visibly growing by the day, whether in his role in derailing Bush's drive for crisis-management fascism; in the international fight to save D.C. General Hospital, the only full-service public hospital in the U.S. capital, and the one serving much of the city's African-American population; in the fight to stop such Bush-affiliated energy pirates such as Enron and Reliant from stealing the U.S. population blind; or, in the extraordinary forward progress in the Eurasian Land-Bridge, bringing together Western Europe with Russia, China and India, among others, as a potential engine of global economic recovery.
"And," continued the EIR spokesman, "all of this is taking place in the context of the greatest economic crash in history, in which the power of the Crown-centered financial oligarchy is shaken in a way that it has not been since at least the American Revolution, and which crash LaRouche has uniquely forecast. Mr. LaRouche's credibility, therefore, is skyrocketing. So, it is no wonder that such flunkeys of the Crown as the Bush-loving Commonwealth media baron Murdoch (who himself has already lost at least a few hundred million dollars recently), would become hysterical.
"Furthermore, if Murdoch is so convinced that LaRouche is such a truly bad guy, then why doesn't he publish this drivel in his New York Post, to warn unsuspecting Americans? Because he knows, that if he dared to publish such garbage in the United States, that LaRouche is a 'racist,' or 'anti-semitic,' he would be laughed all the way back to Australia."