LaRouche, Unable to Attend Brazilian Congress
Meeting on Free Trade, Will Forward Policy Paper
on `Agriculture and the Global Crisis'
WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 5, 2001 (EIRNS)—Lyndon H. LaRouche announced today that he will unfortunately not be able to travel to Brazil in late October, to participate in an international conference organized by the Brazilian Congress on the subject of "Brazil and the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas." Mr. LaRouche had originally been invited by Deputy Aecio Neves, the President of the Brazilian House of Representatives, to participate in that conference as a commentator in the session on agriculture. But, due to security problems related to the planned visit, Mr. LaRouche will be unable to attend the conference.
LaRouche, the founder of Executive Intelligence Review and a registered Democratic Presidential pre-candidate for the 2004 U.S. elections, announced that he will complete a report on "Agriculture and the Global Crisis" that he had conceived for use at that conference, and will make it available to Brazilians and others discussing the policies to be adopted in the face of the crisis.
For more information call:
Gretchen Small: (703) 777-9451, ext. 272