New EIR Feature
Eurasian Land-Bridge: Prospect for
Building Our Way Out of Depression
This release was issued Oct. 27, 2001. Call 1-888-EIR-3258 for more information.
The major nations of the world now face a branching point in history. Some powerful Anglo-American and Israeli factions are seeking to trigger a religious war which can spread throughout the southern regions of Eurasia. At the same time, leaders and planners in many nations are moving toward a common project of building new "Eurasian Land-Bridges," corridors of transport and other new economic infrastructure from Atlantic to Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The second path is known as the Eurasian Land-Bridge proposal of Lyndon LaRouche, an "economic locomotive" to pull the world out of depression, and a "science driver" to spread scientific progress to technology and industry.
EIR, in its Nov. 2 issue, publishes a new overview of the Eurasian Land-Bridge as works-in-progress. Starting with an overview of the major potential land-bridge corridors from northwest Europe across Eurasia—East-West to Vladivostok, to Lianyungang in China, and through the sub-continent to Southeast Asia; and North-South to the Indian Ocean—EIR's new report describes the plans and progress, as of 2001, of all the great infrastructure projects involved.
The report is written by the director of the European Fusion Energy Forum, Jonathan Tennenbaum, who has frequently represented Lyndon LaRouche in policy discussions on the Land-Bridge in both Russia and China; and features 17 Eurasian project maps prepared by John Sigerson of EIR. The whole is prefaced by remarks of LaRouche concerning the crucial necessity that the United States immediately join its fast-waning economic powers to the construction of the Eurasian Land-Bridges, to rebuild those powers and escape its deepening economic collapse.
`Russia's Eurasian Mission'
Russian President Putin, at the APEC summit in Shanghai Oct. 21-22, presented what he called "Russia's Eurasian mission" in these same terms; his intervention at Shanghai is also covered extensively in EIR's issue. This "mission" means expanded trade and economic cooperation with China and India, first of all; but with the bigger purpose of creating transportation "bridges" and corridors for rail transport, energy, and communications across Eurasia, from Europe to all parts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean coasts. It includes unifying the Koreas and bridging from Siberia to Japan with such development corridors. China shares this perspective, and adds to it the largest water management and hydroelectric projects in the world, as the only large economy in the world still growing.
If President Bush sought a way out of the accelerating collapse of the American economy--one which, at the same time, opens up a new and peaceful path to dealing with all the nations of Eurasia, including the Mideast--he would seize this "Land-Bridge" development policy like a drowning man a plank. This is the happy option which LaRouche's influence makes possible in such a crisis.
EIR's report of the Land-Bridge in progress, 2001, is a major update of its January 1997 Special Report, The Eurasian Land-Bridge: The New Silk Road--Locomotive For Economic Development. That report is still available for purchase. The new Nov. 2 EIR report is essential to those want to know where the real potential lies, for a recovery from the worsening global financial breakdown and economic depression.