The 'Survivors Club' Is
Building New Silk Road
by Mary Burdman and Rainer Apel
In his speech to the third Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Beijing on May 24, China's President Jiang Zemin called for the creation of a "New Silk Road" between Asia and Europe, "to actively boost exchanges between these two civilizations in the new century." Jiang's short, but pointed, speech, is only one of many recent indications, that the group of Eurasian nations dubbed the "Survivors Club" by Lyndon LaRouche in 1998, is ever more aware of the urgency of expanding cooperation in order to counter the "all sides" confrontationism of the disastrous George W. Bush Administration.
Transrapid Moving Fast
A leading example of the level of Eurasian cooperation, which will provide "a rare opportunity for development," is the progress of the Chinese-German project to construct the world's first commercial Transrapid magnetic-levitation (maglev) technology train in China. The first section of this project, a 32 kilometer line from downtown Shanghai to its airport in the Pudong area, is now being built at a speed that is taking even its German contributors, ThyssenKrupp AG, which created the Transrapid technology, and the German Transport Ministry, by surprise.
The full article is in EIR's June 8, 2001 issue.