Pro-Globalization Forces
Go Down to Smashing Defeat in Brazil
Oct. 8, 2002 (EIRNS)—The Oct. 6 general election in Brazil resulted in a smashing defeat for the forces defending the policies of globalization and free market economics. More than 75% of the votes cast in the Presidential race went to candidates calling for a break with the free market policies of outgoing president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, leading to a second round run-off between Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva (47% of the vote) and Jose Serra (23% of the vote), to be held on Oct. 27.
But even more politically significant, is the fact that Dr. Enéas Carneiro of the PRONA party—who repeatedly identified his campaign and his thinking with U.S. Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche—received almost 1.6 million votes in his race for federal congressman, running from the state of São Paulo. Not only was this the highest vote tally gathered by any congressional candidate in this year's race. Never before in the entire history of Brazil has a congressional candidate gotten as many votes as Enéas just did, not in absolute numbers nor proportionally (about 8% state-wide in São Paulo).
Also indicative of the anti-globalization wave which is sweeping Brazil—and many other countries around the world being decimated by International Monetary Fund policies—is the fact that Dr. Havanir Nimtz (of Enéas's PRONA party) won a seat in the São Paulo state legislature with about a half-million votes, the largest number gathered by any candidate for that race. Dr. Havanir, as a São Paulo City Councilwoman, invited Lyndon LaRouche to Brazil in June of 2002, where he was made an Honorary Citizen of São Paulo by the City Council. [See coverage of LaRouche's Brazil visit.]
At the June 12 ceremony bestowing the honor upon Mr. LaRouche, Dr. Havanir stated: "We associate ourselves with the wave of ideas which flow from Mr. LaRouche's prodigious mind....Mr. LaRouche forecast many years ago, there is no Asian problem, nor a Russian problem, nor an Argentine problem, nor a Brazil problem. The crisis is systemic. The crisis is planet-wide. All of civilization is heading toward a new dark age."
At the same event, Dr. Enéas said: "As Mr. LaRouche has been insisting for decades, and I have been repeating here in Brazil since 1989, the crisis is systemic. There is no saving this model.... [We need] the establishment of a new accord between nations, with the creation of a New Bretton Woods agreement."
Lyndon LaRouche was invited to Brazil in June, because, as he told his various audiences, "I am the leader of the world anti-globalization movement."
Although Lula came in first place in the Presidential elections, his Workers' Party (PT) in fact fared poorly in other national races. The PT's lead congressional candidate, Jose Dirceu, also running from the state of Sao Paulo, came in a shabby second to Enéas, getting a bit over 600,000 votes as compared to Eneas's 1.6 million. And the PT is widely expected to lose its current control of the governorships of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul in second round run-off elections also slated for Oct. 27.
The loss of Rio Grande do Sul will be particularly painful for the PT, and for the World Social Forum which it helped found in Pôrto Alegre, the state's capital. The World Social Forum is a fraudulent "anti-globalization" organization founded a few years back under the control of the Anglo-French financier Teddy Goldsmith.
A spokesman for EIR commented on the Brazilian election results: "One of the morals of the story here, is that Goldsmith and his Jacobin operation do not have a hammerlock on the wave of anti-globalization ferment sweeping Brazil, and the world. Lyndon LaRouche, and those who openly associate with him, are not only electable; they are winning."