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EIR Issues LaRouche Special Report on Science and Infrastructure

Oct. 29, 2002 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche, founding editor of Executive Intelligence Review and pre-candidate for the Democratic Party 2004 Presidential nomination, this Fall has launched an emergency mobilization for infrastructure, beginning with rescuing and expanding the passenger rail and air transport systems.

The crisis of rail, air. and other vital sectors of infrastructure (ports and waterways, power, sanitation, hospitals and public health, etc.) has come about as the result of over 30 years of disinvestment and related deregulation policies. We are now facing breakdown.

The LaRouche mobilization is reaching out to those in key economic activities—industry, agriculture, engineering, heavy construction—and especially to advanced R&D and the machine-tool sectors, to forge a policy shift to implement modern versions of the 1930s FDR-period, anti-Depression infrastructure programs.

Forcing such a shift will mean millions of new, high-skilled jobs, new orders for inputs and goods, and the basis for restoring and expanding the economy. Already, the infrastructure drive is sweeping campuses.

How to pay for all this? The 1930s Reconstruction Finance Corp. provides lessons. Take a nationwide "Chapter 11 bankruptcy" approach to deal with unpayable debts, while at the same time, issue low-interest credits for designated, priority infrastructure projects. This will produce the necessary economy-reviving effect.


The 88-page Special Report is titled, LaRouche's Emergency Infrastructure Program for the United States. It includes 32 maps, 17 diagrams and graphs, and 14 photos. Among the sections:

  • Science and Infrastructure, 35 pages. LaRouche reviews the essential history and content of "A National Infrastructure Policy." He writes, "We must restore the Roosevelt reforms; but, to succeed, we must add new features, features made necessary by the great changes in political geography and physical economy over the course of the 1933-2002 interval as a whole."

  • Sector Reports: The parameters of the problems, and what's needed to solve them, are reviewed by EIR staff for rail and air systems; water-borne transportation; electricity; water supply; land management; hospitals and public health (including overturning the ban on DDT); and financial models for funding the solutions, along the lines of Roosevelt's Reconstruction Finance Corp.

  • Technologies: Illustrations of maglev trains, fourth-generation nuclear plants, water desalination, etc.

  • Campaigning: Report on an Oct. 3 Virginia-based webcast on Emergency Rail-Building. Report from Italy on parliamentary action for infrastructure and a New Bretton Woods system.

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