New Books To Be Released
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LaRouche Doctrine for the Americas
Dec. 1, 2002 (EIRNS)—Two new books reflecting Lyndon LaRouche's international policy proposals—in this case, for the Americas—are about to be published in Ibero-America.
Under the title The LaRouche Doctrine for the Americas, LaRouche's Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (MSIA) of Brazil is publishing a Portuguese-language book containing the full documentation of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche's historic June 2002 visit to Brazil. The edition includes the four major policy speeches that LaRouche delivered during his week-long stay in that country, including his address upon being proclaimed an Honorary Citizen of São Paulo, Brazil by the City Council of that city. [See coverage of the LaRouches' Brazil visit.]

The MSIA of Mexico is publishing a Spanish-language book The Hour of Integration; March Towards a New Bretton Woods, which contains all of the major speeches delivered at the August 2002 founding conference in Guadalajara, Mexico of the Guadalajara Forum, including addresses by LaRouche and by former Mexican President José López Portillo. [See press releases on the Guadalajara conference.] A special appendix, "The LaRouche Doctrine for the Americas," features two of LaRouche's addresses from his Brazil visit earlier in the year, as well as his November 2000 essay, "In the Footsteps of John Quincy Adams; My Strategy for the Americas."
The two books are designed to help educate thinking citizens across Ibero-America as to the policy changes that are urgently needed to confront the existential crisis facing the entire planet.