American Family Foundation
March 13, 2002 (EIRNS)—The American Family Foundation is one of the central thought-police organizations of "Pop" Watson's intelligence networks. It was founded in 1979 with grants from the New York based Bodman and Achelis Foundations, which are run by Watson's grandson, John N. Irwin III. AFF has also enjoyed significant funding, since its inception, from the Scaife Family Foundation of Richard Mellon Scaife. AFF also received initial grants from the Pew Foundation. Members of the Philadelphia-based Pew family, like "Pop" Watson, were secret funders of pro-Hitler organizations in the United States during the 1930's.
The AFF overlaps the American-Israeli right wing Zionist intelligence aparatus which came to light during the notorious Anti-Defamation League (ADL) spy scandal in San Francisco. AFF's president, Herbert Rosedale, is the senior partner of the law firm, Parker, Chapin, Flattau, and Klimpl. The firm's founder, Albert Parker, was the vice chairman of the New York ADL Appeal, its fundraising arm. The law firm represents the ADL's Sterling National Bank and, was general counsel to the Israeli Bank Leumi. It has also represented Republic National Bank of the late Edmond Safra.
AFF is also funded by the San Francisco-based Swig Foundation. Melvin Swig, a trustee of the foundation, has been ADL national commissioner and an executive board member of AIPAC.
AFF's Advisory Board has included the director of the Task Force on Missionaries and Cults from the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. Established in 1981 under the supervision of JCRC director Malcolm Hoenlein and with the assistance of Office of the Interior Minister for the State of Israel, the task force established an intelligence gathering war room to track political adversaries. Hoenlein has been identified as a key operative for the Mega Group, the private club of Zionist billionaires, established in 1991 by the Bronfman brothers, hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt and Max Fisher.
Galen Kelly, the decades-long leading kidnapper, knuckledragger, and 'deprogramer' within AFF's orbit, has collaborated directly with ADL intelligence hand Mira Lansky Boland and has used terrorist Jewish Defense League members for his kidnappings. According to documents filed with the U.S. Federal Court in Alexandria, Virginia, when Kelley was arrested in October 1992 for kidnapping, AFF president Rosedale sent a letter to the court testifying to Kelley's character. Rosedale wrote that he knew and worked with Kelley for more than 10 years and that Kelley's "credibility and trustworthiness have been evident and exemplary...I wholeheartedly vouch for him..." Kelley's years of political service to this network landed him membership on the board of directors of JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, in Washington, D.C.
As detailed in the special report Zbigniew Brezinski and September 11th, a LaRouche in 2004 report, this fascist Zionist aparatus embedded within the AFF is a major collaborator with other projects funded by Richard Mellon Scaife whose intent is to create a religious war in the Middle East and a general Clash of Civilizations. The AFF thought police is composed of premier psychiatrists and psychologists such as the late Dr. Louis Jolyn West and Margaret Singer, who were both major participants in the CIA's mass drug-pushing project, known as MK-Ultra which came out of the British Tavistock Institute's studies of Nazi social control techniques.
After World War II, up through the 1960s and 1970s, the CIA and U.S. military agencies funnelled money through research foundations and universities to study the various effects of torture, brain surgery, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and hallucinogenic drugs on individuals. These experiments were seeking to perfect mthods of mind control. In many cases, the subjects were not volunteers, but were given drugs and otherwise tortured without their permission.
Over the course of 30 years, AFF advisory board member Dr. West experimented on the minds of veterans, prisoners, alcoholics, and drug addicts with electroshock, isolation, and small group behavior-control techniques.
In 1977, Dr. West was exposed on the front page of the New York Times as being funded by the CIA to perform experiments in mind destruction using LSD, as part of the MK-Ultra project. In his studies, West wrote that the government could supply drugs to control a group or select a portion of the population. "This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World (1932), has the governing elementy employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways" West wrote. "In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed. To society, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome—and less expensive—if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent."
After America's ghettoes exploded in violence in the late 1960s, West promoted chemical castration and the implanting of electrodes into people's brains as a means of controlling violent behavior and political activity. In 1973, West proposed the creation of a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. Among programs planned were genetic, biochemical, and neurophysiological studies of violent individuals, including prison inmates and "hyperkinetic" children.
AFF advisory board member Dr. Margaret Singer got her start as an Army psychiatrist studying Korean War Veterans and prisoners of war. Her writings were cited by the Society for the Study of Human Ecology, Inc, which was also exposed as a CIA front.
Together with Dr. West, she ran a survival and torture-resistance study for Air Force Intelligence at Stead Air Force Base in 1966. They also collaborated in profiling the Haight-Ashbury hippie drug 'culture', interviewing drug-crazed hippies and examining their LSD-induced religious experiences.
Although she prides herself as an expert in "mind control or coercive persuasion" she was not allowed to testify as an expert witness in a 1990 federal court case. In his ruling rejecting Singer's expertise, U.S. Judge Lowell Jensen said, "The evidence before the court...shows that neither the APA (American Psychological Association) nor the ASA (American Sociological Association) has endorsed the views of Dr. Singer....Her proferred testiomony in this case has been challenged by the scientific community on grounds of both scientific merit and methodological rigor." In 1992 she filed a RICO suit against these two organizations for refusing to sanction her work! AFF psychiatrists have also been interlinked to the FBI's behavioral sciences unit at Quantico, Va. AFF-linked operatives, Margaret Singer, Priscilla Coats and Rick Ross were intimately involved in orchestrating the FBI and ATF's siege and assault on the Branch Davidian headquarters in Waco, Tx. in which more than 80 people died.