Bad Schwalbach Declaration:
'This War Must Be Stopped'
BAD SCHWALBACH, Germany, March 23, 2003 (EIRNA)—The following emergency declaration was passed today by the participants in the International Conference of the Schiller Institute, coming here from 45 countries: Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, China, Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Slovakia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
- Not only must the ongoing war of aggression against Iraq be condemned as completely illegal, and as an assault against international law—it must be stopped! It must be stopped because it opens up an era of anarchy and of return to the rule of "Faustrecht" (right of the strongest); but this time, under conditions of the killing-power of modern weaponry, or even nuclear weapons. As Iraq is only the first target of such illegal imperial pre-emptive wars, this unfolding "Clash of Civilizations" has to be brought to a halt, now!
- We are presently experiencing the end phase of a systemic collapse, financial and other, in which the post-war institutions, for example, the IMF, NATO and the European Union, are breaking apart. Therefore, let us create new institutions, which better serve the interests of the peoples and the nations of the world. Specificaly, all those governments in the United Nations which have spoken out against the Iraq war, should come together now, and call for an emergency conference, to urgently reorganize the global financial system according to the guidelines for a "New Bretton Woods," laid out by Lyndon LaRouche.
- The "Eurasian Union" that has emerged as an ad hoc alliance against the Anglo-American unilateral war, should proceed to implement the needed alternative: the Eurasian Land-Bridge infrastructure program must become the locomotive for world development. Based on the principles of physical economy, these long-term infrastructure projects of some 25 years, financed by state credit generated by sovereign nation-state governments, can overcome the depression and mass unemployment. The Eurasian Land-Bridge is not limited to Europe and Asia, but is designed to extend through the Middle East into Africa, and across the Bering Straits to the Americas. In this way, we commit ourselves to repudiating once and for all the central banking, free trade, colonial-imperial order which leads to destruction and war.
- In order to stop this "Clash of Civilizations," leaders of nations from around the world must act to bring about a change of policy in the United States of America. One lever for doing this is the U.S. Presidential election campaign; and here, above all, the candidacy of Lyndon LaRouche. A pre-candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination, Lyndon LaRouche is devoting all his energy to bringing the United States into this process of peaceful world reconstruction. This process spearheaded by Lyndon LaRouche—and not imperial war—is the true interest of America.
- We can only succeed in achieving peace and building a better world, if we consciously create a new Renaissance. The best way to do this is through a dialogue of civilizations among all nations participating in the great Eurasian Land-Bridge development project. This dialogue should focus on the universal image of Man as a cognitive being uniquely endowed with the gift of creative reason, which constitutes, therefore, the very basis for the notion of human dignity.
- The crisis in the United Nations Security Council over the Iraq war has revealed the need to enhance the currently inadequate concept of international law, by grounding it more deeply and rigorously in the concept of natural law. The relations among nations, as among individuals, must be in harmony with the laws of universal Creation.
- Mankind has probably never been in such an existential crisis as this. Every human being is called upon to grow morally, in order to take responsibilty for the outcome of this historical moment. Ordinary men and women are called upon to take leadership. In an extraordinary moment like this, one cannot transfer the responsibility to existing institutions, which either contributed to the current tragedy, or did not prevent it. All people of good will, but especially the youth of the world, must produce the leadership necessary to guide the world to safety.