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Is Sharon Plotting Terrorist Options
Against President Bush's Road Map Effort?
June 10, 2003 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche has called for the investigation of credible, but, as yet uncorroborated reports received from Israeli sources, that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in collusion with elements of the Hamas organization, is scheming to sabotage President George W. Bush's road map initiative for Israeli-Palestinian peace, through a series of planned terrorist actions in the Middle East, and, possibly, inside the U.S.A..
The source report centered on four actions, now purported to be in the planning or implementation stages.
- Mossad chief Meir Dagan, a longtime Sharon accomplice in criminal activities, has reportedly reached a secret deal with some Hamas leaders, to stage a series of terrorist disruptions of President Bush's peace initiative. These actions will, in turn, trigger counter-moves by Israeli intelligence and security forces, to create a cascading cycle of violence, and, thus, kill the road map implementation. Already, the weekend attacks on Israeli Defense Force units in the Gaza Strip, and Tuesday morning's "retaliatory" assassination attempt, in Gaza City, of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi, fit this all-too-familiar profile. Ha'aretz reported June 10 on statements from White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, that President Bush was "deeply troubled" by the Israeli Defense Force missile strike on the car carrying Rantisi and members of his family.
- Both Hamas elements involved in the Dagan deal, and underground cells of Jewish settlers, are reportedly plotting the assassination of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), as well as the elimination of Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat. The assassination of either man, particularly if the killing were to be traced to Jewish settlers, would set of an immediate violent conflict in all of the occupied territories.
- The same sources report that the IDF has been pre-positioning the needed infrastructure, in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, to facilitate mass relocation of Palestinians, in line with the long-stated policy of some of the radical rightists in Israel for the "mass transfer"—i.e., "ethnic cleansing"—of the three million Palestinians living in the occupied terroritories. This policy is otherwise known as "Jordan is Palestine." The Israeli sources reported that Prime Minister Sharon was deeply disturbed by the obvious close relationship between U.S. President Bush and Jordanian King Abdallah II, during the recent summit meeting in Aqaba, Jordan.
- An "Arab-designated" terrorist attack on U.S. soil is also reportedly being set in place by Sharon's longtime partner in crime, "Dirty" Rafi Eytan, the former Mossad official and chief of the Lekem spy unit, that recruited and deployed Jonathan Jay Pollard during the early- and mid-1980s. According to both Israeli and American law enforcement sources, Eytan has made several covert trips to the United States over the past 12 months, traveling under an assumed name and forged passport, to set such an "Arab" terrorist option in place.
LaRouche noted, in issuing his call for a broad probe into the qualified intelligence report, that the article in the May 10 edition of Ha'aretz newspaper by Akiva Eldar, detailing the harsh exchanges between President Bush and members of the Israeli delegation at Aqaba, including Prime Minister Sharon, confirmed his own assessments of President Bush's serious committment to the road map. This factor, LaRouche emphasized, places greater urgency on serious investigation of the reported schemes to kill the President's peace initiative.