The Record:
Why You Don't Want to Take
George Soros's Money
Oct. 28 (EIRNS)—Recent reports that mega-speculator George Soros is putting millions of dollars into funding think-tanks for the Democratic Party (Center for American Progress, and America Coming Together are two notable recipients), in a not-so-veiled effort to buy up the party, should raise the question: Just how does George Soros make his money? Years of investigation by LaRouche's associates have answered that question in grisly detail: Soros's money comes from impoverishment of the poor countries against whose currencies he speculates, and from deadly mind-destroying, terrorism-funding drugs.
We provide below a brief dossier on the low-lights of Soros's history of theft and drug-promotion.[*] If, after reading this, you still want to take Soros's money, at least have the decency to put a bumper-sticker on your car that says "I support drug-pushing. I'm pushing cocaine."
Soros the Speculator
Hungarian-born George Soros has been involved in financial speculation since the late 1960s, at which time he established the Quantum Fund, N.V., which manages the money of leading British and Swiss financiers, including the British Royal Household. The Quantum Fund is a private investment body called a hedge fund, which is headquartered in one of the leading centers of money-laundering internationally, the Netherlands Antilles.
1990: With the opening of the East Bloc, Soros moves into Poland and Russia, with "advice" for devastating economic "shock therapy," to be administered by his associate, economist Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs's major claim to fame was his "rescue" of the Bolivian economy, by shutting down industry, and building up the cocaine trade.
1992: Soros's speculation makes big news, as he pulls off major attacks on the currencies of Great Britain and Italy, after which he brags about earning more than $1 billion by hurting the currencies of these nations.
1993: U.S. Congressman Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.) calls for an investigation of Soros's manipulation of foreign exchange markets, including the possibility that the same measures used against Great Britain will be used against the United States.
1995: The manager of Soros's Management Fund, through which he controls the Quantum Fund, takes out an ad in the U.S. press, which urges the Congress (then controlled by Newt Gingrich), to proceed with its budget cuts, despite the possibility of a budget impasse (train wreck), because such austerity is absolutely required for the financial markets.
1995: The Italian courts, in response to a legal brief by associates of LaRouche in Italy, launch an investigation of Soros's role in the speculative attack on the lira in 1992. (The suit is later dismissed in 1999.)
1997: Soros's hedge funds launch a speculative attack against the Thai baht, in a move widely credited with triggering the great Asian financial crisis of 1997, which destroy the economies of Indonesia and of many other nations.
Soros the Drug Pusher
1992-1994: Soros creates the Open Society Institute, and through that, both the Drug Policy Foundation and the Lindesmith Center, funnelling more than $15 million for their activities, which focus heavily on changing drug laws, toward legalization.
1996: Ballot initiatives in favor of "medical marijuana" in California and Arizona, funded lavishly by Soros's front groups, are passed. These were the front end of a campaign that encompasses up to 25 U.S. states.
1997: Soros's Drug Policy Foundation pours money into a campaign to legalize euthanasia in Australia.
Meanwhile, in Ibero-America, Soros becomes a leading finacier of the drive to legalize cocaine. He bankrolls a meeting on Oct. 8-9, 1997 in the Colombian city of Medellín, for the purpose of pushing drug legalization, at the same time as Human Rights Watch/Americas, another major beneficiary of his funds, attacks the national forces deployed against the drug cartels as "human rights violators." It should be noted that the pro-drug guerrillas in Colombia are known to be bloodthirsty kidnappers and murderers, who terrorize the nation.
In the United States, Soros works with the pro-drug Mayor of Baltimore Kurt Schmoke, to promote "progressive" drug policies, including needle-exchange programs. Soros "donates" $25 million to spreading illegal drugs in the city.
1998: Another Soros-related group, the Andean Council of Coca Leaf Producers, begins to carry out an armed revolt in Bolivia, under the banner "Coca or Death." The Council was established by a European group called Coca 95, whose chief financier is Soros, and whose directors call for free trade in every narcotic on the face of the Earth: cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and synthetics.
In June, Soros's Lindesmith Center issues an Open Letter to Kofi Annan calling for a "truly open" dialogue on illegal drugs, claiming that clamping down on them is worse than drug abuse itself, and demanding that legalization be put on the table.
2000: Soros moves, through both Human Rights Watch, and direct funding of Alejandro Toledo campaign for President of Peru, to topple the successful anti-drug government of President Alberto Fujimori. EIR forecasts that the new Soros-backed government will move to put anti-drug fighters in prison, and bring back the murderous Sendero Luminoso—which in fact it does following Toledo's victory.
2001: In June, the Wall Street Journal gives major coverage to the decision by Soros, along with billionaires Peter Lewis and John Sperling, to kick in at least $10 million for the 2002 elections, where they target Florida, Ohio, and Michigan for decriminalization referendums.
Soros also funds a drive for decriminalization of marijuana in Canada.
2002: Soros funds a referendum on the Nevada ballot, which calls for the legalization of marijuana use, and would mandate that the state begin growing and retail distribution of the drug to anyone over 21 years of age. The effort is run by a Washington, D.C.-based group, the Marijuana Policy Project, which receives direct funding from Soros, through the Drug Policy Foundation, which, in turn, has received more than $15 million from Soros in recent years. The Drug Policy Foundation recently merged with the Lindesmith Center, a project of Soros's Open Society Institute tax-exempt foundation. The new, unified entity, the Drug Policy Alliance, is run by Soros employee Dr. Ethan Nadelman. Soros has poured at least $25 million into various dope legalization schemes over the past five years, and has vowed to substantially increase his bankrolling of the dope lobby efforts.
The Marijuana Policy Project was launched by a former official of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Legislation (NORML), the oldest of the drug legalization fronts now under the Soros umbrella.
[*] For documentation on Soros's drug and money operations, and much more, see EIR's April 1997 Special Report, "The True Story of Soros the Golem," and the website