`8 Million Jobs Through 200 Billion Euro
Investments' Is Still the Agenda!
Sept. 21, 2004 (EIRNS)—"The Christian Democrats' (CDU) loss of more than 15% of their vote, and the frighteningly high results of more than 9% for the German National Party (NPD), are the reckoning for the stubborn and brutal economic austerity politics of the established parties, the CDU and Social Democrats (SPD), expressed at their worst by the Hartz IV law." So stated a press release of the Saxony state organization of the Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo), issued immediately after the state's election results were known on the evening of Sept. 19.
The BüSo in Saxony, in contrast to the major parties, achieved a significant breakthrough. Compared to the 1999 state results, not only did the "full-slate votes" for the BüSo state slate multiply fivefold to 0.5% statewide; but the BüSo's 21 candidates received votes of between 2% and 5% almost all over the state: for example, 2.2% in Aue-Schwarzenberg; 3.6% in Zwickau; in Chemnitz districts, 3.3% and 3.8% respectively; 2.2% in Freiberg; 2.7% in Görlitz; 2.4% in Kamenz; 3.1% in Dresden; and 5.7% in Mittweida.
The national Chairman of the BüSo, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, commented on the voting results: "This notable success proves that we're on the right track. It is a real breakthrough, for which we can thank the LaRouche Youth Movement, and the Monday Demonstrations. The big parties just 'got the bill to pay' for Hartz IV." If they don't change policy, it will get worse for them.'/
In their election-night declaration, the Saxony BüSo left no doubt of what they intend to do now: "We now need a public debate on the solution to the systemic economic and financial crisis. We need a crash program of creation of productive jobs; that's the only way to defend the general welfare effectively. Support of the general welfare is the constitutional task of government."
The BüSo's press statement recalled the party's central demand both in the Monday Demonstrations which Helga Zepp-LaRouche catalyzed in early July, and in the election campaign: 200 billion euros annual investment for the creation of 8 million productive jobs. "What the BüSo laid out as the program for the Saxony fourth state parliament election, is and remains the agenda."
The statement closed with an appeal to the political leaders of those parties newly punished by the election: "The message is clear: Take up this agenda, start over again to serve the people of this state, instead of trying to prop up a bankrupt system for a little longer at the expense of the common good. If you don't do that, there will be bigger and worse election results awaiting you."