Electors in Massachusetts Challenge
Election Cold Coup
Dec. 13, 2004 (EIRNS)—The following is the text of a resolution passed today by the Massachusetts Electoral College.
I hereby motion that we, the duly sworn electors of Massachusetts call on Congress and especially the honorable members of our Massachusetts Congressional Delegation as follows:
Whereas we believe that as electors, we have a unique opportunity and obligation to ensure that justice does not again become so delayed as to be denied,
We call on the Congress of the United States and most espcially our own honorable representatives, and members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation to:
- Act to commit Congress to investigate all voting complaints that might have any validity that they receive;
- Act to commit Congress to remedy any voting rights violations or electoral fraud verified by its own agents or through courts;
- File in Congress and commit their resources to passage of systemic remedies.
Vermont Electors To Draft
Letter to State Delegation
Dec. 13, 2004 (EIRNS)—One of three Vermont electors reached today reported that the electors in their meeting resolved to draft a letter to the state's two senators and representative calling for two things:
- Electors felt the time has come to consider abolishing the elctoral college to give voters direct choice.
- If there is evidence of improprieties in Ohio or other states the state's representatives should raise it, when the Congress meets to certify the election in January.