New York Times Accentuates Shultz's Role in Bush Drive for Social Security Privatization
Feb. 27, 2005 (EIRNS)—Borrowing a page once again from Lyndon LaRouche, the Feb. 27 New York Times' front-page feature on the history of George W. Bush's embrace of Social Security privatization, highlights George Shultz's role. The force of LaRouche in issuing marching orders nationally is evident. During the last week of December 2004, the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) began mass circulation of its "Twins/Foot in the Door for Fascism" pamphlet, with the Pinochet-Bush pictures on the cover, which contained the expose of the Chilean privatization model. On Jan. 27, the New York Times produced an exposé of the Chilean model, which took heavily from the LPAC pamphlet. At the start of February, the LaRouche Youth Movement began intervention around and circulation of an expanded version of the pamphlet, which zeroes in on George Shultz, the modern-day Hjalmar Schacht. Today, the Times follows once more.
The Feb. 27 New York Times article reports that during George W. Bush's unsuccessful bid for the House of Representatives from Texas, during the summer of 1978, Bush issued the dire warning that Social Security "will be bust in 10 years unless there are some changes," and then, according to the Midland Reporter-Telegram, proposed that, "The ideal solution would be for Social Security to be made sound and people given the chance to invest the money the way they feel." The article reports on the well-documented dinner that then Texas Governor Bush had with Chilean fascist José Piñera and Cato Institute President Ed Crane at the Governor's mansion in September 1997, where Pinera extolled the virtues of the Chilean privatization experience.
After reporting on the meeting at George Shultz' Palo Alto, California, home in Spring, 1998, where Shultz launched the Bush for President 2000 campaign, the Times brings to light a previously little-known meeting on July 27, 1998, at the state Capitol in Austin, Texas. Governor Bush met with George Shultz, along with two of Shultz's stooges at the Hoover Institute, the economists Michael Boskin and Martin Anderson. This and previous Shultz-led discussions "led to the establishment of an advisory system to help Mr. Bush delve more deeply into issues as he prepared for his [P]residential run. Over the next few years, he participated in discussions about the budgetary implications of moving to private accounts and in debates on detailed proposals." (That "advisory system" was, of course, Shultz's "Vulcans," established that fall in Kennebunkport.)
On Sept. 16, 2004, Shultz set up and made himself chairman of a California Governor's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) to direct the Hitler project of Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger. The same Michael Boskin and Martin Anderson were put on the Schwarzenegger CEA.