LaRouche To Address
International Webcast April 27
April 3, 2006 (EIRNS)—Statesman and Democratic Party leader Lyndon LaRouche will address an international webcast initiated in Washington, D.C. at 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time April 27. Those not attending the LaRouche PAC-sponsored event will be able to access it live at and
Among the topics Mr. LaRouche will address is the threat represented by the privatization of military functions, being carried out by the Cheney-Shultz-Rohatyn grouping, through the Bush Administration. In a statement issued March 21, entitled "Private Armies, Captive People," LaRouche blasted the moves by the international financier syndicates to "break the power of governments" through globalization, including the employment of private armies and private secret-police forces, to implement a new world dictatorship, in imitation of that desired by the Nazis.
LaRouche concludes his statement, which appeared in the March 31 edition of the magazine Executive Intelligence Review with documentation of the military privatization schemes, with the statement:
"What Cheney has been doing, first as Secretary of Defense, then since 2001, and still today, ahs been to work to take the power of government away from the nation-state, and transfer that power to shoot to financier interests owned and used by the imperialist financier class. What Cheney has done to that effect, is therefore far worse than treason.
"Rid ourselves of his position in government, urgently, now, while you still may, and restore the military, intelligence, and police functions of the nation back into the hands of constitutional government."
For more information, or to attend the webcast, please call