Campus Nazis at UCLA Promote Mass Murder
Oct. 17, 2006 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, on the same day that the LaRouche Youth Movement held a rally and mass-distribution of the pamphlet, Is Joseph Goebbels On Your Campus? at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), an evening event was held on campus to show that the answer to that question was, "Yes."
A lecture titled "Destroying Islamic Totalitarianism: The West's Moral Imperative," featured Yaron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute. According to the Daily Bruin newspaper (Oct. 17, 2006), Yaron suggested that a way to defeat these regimes [Islamic totalitarian regimes] is to kill up to hundreds of thousands of their supporters. He said only resurgence in the pride for Western civilization can help the West defeat those Islamic states. He added that the killing would shrink popular support for extremist ideas to a small minority of the population, as opposed to the 40% Brook says are supporting the regimes now.
Brook was invited onto the campus to incite violence and mass murder by the usual suspects. Co-sponsoring the event was UCLA LOGIC (Liberty, Objectivity, Greed, Individualism, Capitalism) and the Bruins for Israel. LOGIC is known for having been intellectually pulverized by LaRouche Youth Movement members during a campus public debate last November. The chairman of LOGIC, who participated in that debate, is Kenneth Hurst, who is also the Associate Editor of the neo-con Bruin Standard.
These campus Nazis are a small group of people who overlap various appendages of the same beast. David Lazar, who is the publisher of the Bruin Standard is also listed (by UCLA Student Groups) as one of the three students representing the Bruin Republicans. He served as their Vice-Chairman last year, and their official campus website features photos of club members shooting various weapons at a local firing range. One photo shows a bullet-ridden Communications Studies pamphlet authored by a UCLA professor. The Bruin Republicans actively promoted the LOGIC event for Yaron Brook.