Strategy of Tension in Germany:
New BüSo Pamphlet Will Help
Neutralize Its Game-Masters
March 23, 2007 (EIRNS)—A new mass pamphlet issued by Germany's Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity party (BüSo), titled Schreibtischtäter II: Die Heuschrecken und ihre Fußsoldaten (White-Collar Nazis: The Locust Hedge Funds and Their Foot-Soldiers) contains precious ammunition for neutralizing and unmasking the game-masters behind a massive build-up of the strategy of tension in Germany, beginning this weekend.
The Berlin office of Germany's internal security agency, the Verfassungsschutz (Vfs) is preparing for the Meeting of European Union heads of state in Berlin this weekend. And for Saturday, there are announcements by left-wing extremists of a protest demonstration on Berlin's Alexanderplatz. This is seen as a "warm-up weekend" for the G-8 Meeting in June.
The left-extreme propaganda against this meeting sounds the most "martial" in a long time, says Claudia Schmid, the head of the Berlin Vfs, such as a leaflet showing the airplane of President Bush, and right alongside, a burning plane wreck.
Violent actions are planned throughout the month of May. The Autonomous Groups Berlin have announced a "Volxsport Aktionsmonat" (sic) ("Month of Peoplex Sports Action") from May 10 to June 10. This is a competition for which city most damage can be done to. Their motto is: "Hurt the image of your city, rally against G8." The city with greates material damage gets the highest score.
Vfs head Schmid fears a continuous campaign of left-wing arson attacks. This militant campaign of the extreme left has not been this strong in North of Germany for a long time, Schmid is quoted saying in "Tagesspiegel Online," with seven attacks since July 2005 in the region Berlin-Brandenburg, eight in Hamburg, and the rest in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony.
However, she also said that the left-wing scene is deeply split between the Antideutschen, etc., and others, and that therefore they might not be able to mobilize large masses of people for the upcoming demonstrations. Also, she expressed hope that in the migrant Arab and Turkish population, things can be kept cool, thanks to much efforts by of different institutions in those strata.
There is a contrast between the expected smaller numbers peaceful demonstrators, and the violent ones, she said. She is most concerned about "small, uncalculable groups of autonomists, who are prepared to act in the dark of night." Twenty years ago, on May 1, 1987, the first major riots broke out in Berlin-Kreuzberg, with shops plundered, automobiles and a supermarket set on fire, while the police watched helplessly.