GOP Congressmen Visit Syria,
in Break with Bush
April 5, 2007 (EIRNS)--In the last week, Republican Reps. Frank Wolf (Va.), Robert Aderholt (Ala.), Joseph Pitts (Pa.), and Darrell Issa (Calif.), visited President Assad in Syria, breaking with the White House.
"I don't care what the Administration says on this. You've got to do what you think is in the best interest of your country. I want us to be successful in Iraq," said Rep. Wolf. Rep. Aderholt stated, "This is an area where we would would disagree with the administration. None of us in Congress work for the President. We have to cast our own votes and answer to our own constituents." Rep. Issa said, "President Bush is the head of state, but he hasn't encouraged dialogue. That's an important message to realize: we have tensions, but we have two functioning embassies."