Moscow Anti-Globalists' Conference
Gets Greetings from LaRouche
April 14, 2007 (EIRNS)—The Russian organization called the Anti-Globalist Resistance is meeting in Moscow on Saturday, April 14, in a one-day conference to mark the fifth anniversary of its founding. The discussion at that meeting promises to be one of the more substantial and serious ones, on a day when several political groups are planning street demonstrations in the Russian capital, and there are rumors of threatened violence.
Activists of the Anti-Globalist Resistance meeting include leftist opponents of globalization, as well as Russian Orthodox Church members who are especially active against the corruption of young people by narcotics and the counterculture. This week, the movement's web site,, added a page on Lyndon LaRouche to their "Faces of Anti-Globalism" gallery. It features a biography, and key ideas of the science of physical economy, from previous publications in the magazine Kto yest kto (Who Is Who) and Valyutny Spekulyant (Currency Dealer).
The organizers of the April 14 meeting received greetings from LaRouche, which follow here.
Let Us Make History
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 11, 2007
At first, the wicked turn in U.S. politics which has been led by the partnership of British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore does tend to spread pessimism in many parts of the world. However, we must recognize, at the same time, that the pro-globalization policies of the current U.S.-British alliance are an absolutely unworkable program.
The present world monetary-financial system has entered the terminal phase of an onrushing general breakdown crisis of that system. In the meantime, we see that the Blair-Gore policy is being resisted by a rising commitment to the immediate introduction of programs of development of sources of power based on presently existing, improved designs for nuclear power. In fact, there is no possibility of sustaining civilization globally without this shift to a nuclear-fission and even more advanced modes of generation and application of power.
In fact, it would be possible to escape from the presently onrushing threat of a general monetary-financial breakdown globally, through a return to the kinds of policies which U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt had intended for the post-war world. A sudden and more or less world-wide reform would be required for such a remedy, but this means that the reform must be submitted by a concert of nations built up around leading cooperation among the world's present leading nations: the U.S.A., Russia, China, and India. Without a concert of agreement represented by these four crucial and other nations, the needed reform could not be introduced in a timely fashion.
Therefore, the urgent task of the moment is to build up a working agreement on the most crucial features of such a needed reform. Knowledge of what that reform must include, is a precondition for the will implement it.
Otherwise, the objective remains essentially that which President Franklin Roosevelt had intended for the post-war world, had he lived. We require a world composed of respectively sovereign nation-states, united by an understanding of the essential cultural role of the princple of national sovereignties, and the need for cooperation among those nations on common goals and means for raising the level of existence of all parts of the planet, each to contribute in its own way.
There is no guarantee that we will succeed in this, but there is no moral choice for humanity today but to attempt to bring this about. Our discussion of this challenge, and of the means of bringing this change about, should be foremost on our agenda now.