Who Are Hillary Clinton's
Biggest Supporters?
April 24, 2007 (EIRNS)—The financial industry is Sen. Hillary Clinton's largest financial support base, except for the legal industry, in her campaign's fundraising. Senator Clinton, candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination, raised $26 million in campaign contributions during the First Quarter 2007, with a minimum contribution of $1.2 million from the hedge fund dominated-financial industry. This figure is based on the contributions of employees of a mere 150 financial firms, who gave as individuals, but whose contributions were raised by Clinton's supporters in these firms. They do not reflect, for example, the fundraising of a major Clinton backer like Lisa Perry, whose husband runs Perry Brothers Hedge Fund, but who is not herself identified with that fund.
Contributors of $2.1 million did not document their employers.
There is no absolute divide between hedge funds, investment firms, leveraged buy-out firms, and banks. Hedge funds drive the markets; they are believed to make most of the trades on the world's major exchanges every day. Hedge funds are fighting against registration, regulation, and taxes, while they swallow up and spit out America's former industries, like auto and steel. Democratic statesman Lyndon LaRouche has raised the question, in his discussion paper on the LaRouche PAC website, in "Ask the Man Who Owns One": "Who owns the candidate to be chosen?"
Hedge fund contributors to Hillary Clinton include: Avenue Capital Group, whose employees contributed $30,000. Chelsea Clinton, the Senator's daughter, has been hired by Avenue Capital, run by Marc Lasry. Others include Farallon Capital Management, which has bundled $46,000 in individual contributions; Blackstone Capital (see Obama item for Blackstone's recent locust activities in New York's Lower East Side); Fortress, Perry Partners; Quadrangle, Centerbridge Partners, and many more.
Wall Street's banks and investment advisors, and private equity firms have also made major contributions through bundling money from their employees: Bear Stearns, $53,000; Citigroup, $64,000; Credit Suisse, $24,200; Deutsche Bank, $20,500; Goldman Sachs, $64,400. Goldman Sachs is number one in aggressive buy-outs of state infrastructure for Public Private Partnerships (P3s), which are diametrically opposite to Franklin Roosevelt's Federal credit creation for infrastructure building. Still others include: J.P. Morgan, $41,000; Lazard, $35,900; Lehman Brothers, $41,650; Rothschild, $17,700; Saban Capital Group, $25,300; Smith Barney, $13,000.
Senator Clinton additionally transferred some $10 million during the first quarter 2007 from a previous Senatorial campaign account, into her Presidential nomination campaign fund.