Impeachment in California Democratic Resolution: LaRouche Youth Movement Led the Fight
April 29, 2007 (EIRNS)—The following press release, datelined San Diego, was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
The California Democratic Party, at its closing plenary session of its weekend convention today, approved a package of resolutions that includes one calling for a Congressional investigation of wrongdoing by the Bush/Cheney Administration, with the specification of impeachment, among those punitive actions that are to be pursued if findings warrant. The resolution is fundamentally the same as a limited "investigations" call, passed in 2006, but the specific inclusion of "impeachment" came out of a fight in the second meeting of the Resolutions Committee last night, reflecting the impact of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) and LaRouche PAC throughout the convention.
"An impeachment victory," was the expression used by one Resolutions Committee member from Los Angeles. Just before the start of last night's Resolutions Committee session, an LYM chorus sang the "Impeach Cheney Canon," to a packed chamber. As one person on hand remarked, "It was well-tuned, well-modulated, and well received."
The sequence of events concerning this particular resolution went as follows, according to a firsthand report. About 2,000 to 2,200 delegates came to the state Democratic Convention in San Diego. The 20-person Resolutions Committee had its first session Friday evening, at which time resolutions concerning impeachment were raised. One resolution called for Bush's impeachment; two called for both Cheney and Bush to be impeached. There was the LYM resolution demanding Cheney's impeachment, and also the Bill of Impeachment for Cheney, put forward by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D). The LaRouche Democrats and the Progressive Democrats with Kucinich were ready for action. However, the Committee punted, and called for the re-adoption of the Party's 2006 resolution, calling for only an "investigation by Congress" of Administration wrongdoings.
Many backers of impeachment were deflated by the retreat. But the LYM continued the fight over the next day, as the time for the second scheduled meeting of the Resolutions Committee approached. Two key developments occurred. Progressive Caucus/Kucinich activists asked the LYM chorus to sing at the start of the 6:00 p.m. Resolutions Committee meeting. Also, word came in that the Louisiana state Democratic Party executive committee on Saturday approved the Kucinich Bill of Impeachment for Cheney. At 6:00 p.m., the Resolutions Committee room was filled with 150-200 people.
The Kucinich/Progressive Caucus leaders calmly asked everyone present to listen, to not make noise, not be rude, make no demonstrations, and to not antagonize the Committee. (One Democratic Party delegate has pointed out that this Committee is known for its stoicism). Then the 40-voice LYM chorus began the piece (to the tune of Beethoven's canon "In Arm der Liebe"): "Mr. Cheney, rest you well, rest you well, down in hell!" The effect was electric. There were cheers, shouts of "I want to hear," and a few hoots and hollers. Two people danced for joy. It then transpired that the Committee went into a huddle, and came up with the compromise. They retained the limited text of last year's resolution, but added to it. In essence, it states that if a Congressional investigation finds that crimes have been committed by the Administration, follow-up should be pursued to the fullest. Punitive action should be taken, including impeachment. The latter was the addition.
The California Democratic Party is the largest of any state in the nation.